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sallyhails's Guestbook

cariadbachJun 16, 2008

\:\) Hope you are enjoying your creating days. When John is away I lock all the doors and I stay in my PJs all day\:D I can be very anti social\:P I am trying to find an excuse not to go and do some of that stuff thats called housework, but got to go , I can hear the hover calling. Enjoy your day, see you\:\)

Ame-CJun 16, 2008

Hi Sally, thank you for your kind comment on my 4 legs house, your feed back means a lot to me. Take care. Amelda.\;\)

brittieJun 16, 2008

You're welcome! They're great! \:D

twinkletoeJun 15, 2008

Well I had been working on my challenge. But tonight I played with my little mini family and put up a Happy Fathers Day screenshot. The kids had the last TBall game today. So we went to that today and did some shopping. I looked in my local store and they didn't have Pets or Kitchen and Bath\:wacko\: If I've missed you I hope you have a wonderful day. You've been on my mind. Did you create something while Martin was gone?

twinkletoeJun 15, 2008

Hello, I tried your house out. I was missing the kitchen and upstairs bath. Where is your computer and desk. Did I miss that too or did you not put it in? It is an awsome home and I could imagine you there. How's your challenge coming along? I'm taking a break from mine.

qvisnJun 14, 2008

Thanks for the congrats on my 3rd Great Grandson due in november. Its my fault for having kids so young but i can still enjoy them. Theres not many kids can play ball and stuff with their Great granny.\:P

qvisnJun 14, 2008

When the men are away the girls will play\:P Have a good time.\:wub\:

Gumby_GirlJun 14, 2008

Hi Sally, yes I know what you mean by limitations of the game. I always build with a sim on the lot from scratch now because I learnt the hard way. I built a beautiful split level lot but the sims wouldn't walk in the front door or walk around the different levels from one side of the house to the other. It took a total of about 5hrs to build and fully furnish and landscape and then I couldn't play it \:mad\: Good luck with the challenges and have fun with the creating \:\) Louise

ValgridaJun 14, 2008

\:\) - The pc time has increased immensively as you can see from the amount of new lots I keep submitting!!! Husbands are bad for creating, it's universal! And what it comes to sims, I know what you mean... Luckily I have those two teens who share my interest in occational fires that kill sims... Or other scissor accidents etc... The game makes it possible to be a god and sometimes I feel like making them suffer \;\) \:P \:D \:rolleyes: !! Horrible me but they actually ARE SIMULATED bytes...!!! Mainly the problem is that when I have educated my sims and they have a family I can't ever let them die!! So that leads into an overgrowth of population and my computer can't handle that many fully furnished lots with wealthy & happy sims!! Anyway, let's have fun with the game! See you later! Tiina\:\) \:wub\:

ValgridaJun 14, 2008

\:wub\: Hi Sally! I bet you're the only one who reads my blog, but it's ok! It's great to write to you! Thank you for the very nice comments on my new Simford City lots! Most of all I love light, clean lines and the feeling of space what it comes to houses. My problem with Simford City is that I should browse for TSRAA windows, because Maxis basic windows are mainly not very suitable. Actually that applies to doors as well. Anyway, there'll be many new houses, I've just submitted a family home "Delight". Hope your sims like the lots!!! Take care, Tiina\:\) \:wub\:

twinkletoeJun 14, 2008

Just checking in before I go to my challenge. Katie is done with school and the teacher balled her eyes out over the gift.\:\( It was sweet but sad. I'll check in after I play for a while. How was your weekend?

twinkletoeJun 13, 2008

What challenge are you doing? I started the Bud Weiser one. Thought that I would like a change but now I'm not so sure.\;\)

qvisnJun 12, 2008

Just saying Hi, sorry if i have neglected you, i have been so busy.I hope you are enjoying life.\:P

cariadbachJun 12, 2008

\:\) Just dropping by to say Hi\:D Down to earth with a bump today, Tesco , Washing , Ironing even a bit of housework. Cant complain as I had a good time while we were away. We are going out again in three weeks so not long to wait. Hope all is well with you , see you\:\)

ValgridaJun 12, 2008

\:\) Hi Sally! How's life in Oman? I've been playing like a maniac now that my kids left and the computer is all mine!! \:D \:D There was an invasion of gardners on one my lots, they just kept coming untill there were forty of them! I'll be visiting the lot today to find out how my sim lady is handling the situation... At least she's making a lot of new friends!!!\:P \:D Have a lovely day, Tiina\:wub\:

twinkletoeJun 12, 2008

My laptop battery is almost out for the second time today. So I won't be on here long. The first time it went out right after Ann made Celebrity Chef just as she was getting out of the car, before I could even think to save it. It is now on 7%. But at least I finished Ann and upload the challenge during maintenance.\:P So now it is done for good after trying three more times to get back into TSR. But I am very happy to be done with it.\:rah\: Sorry if I missed ya. What are you doing with your sims are you creating more? I'll have to look at your page tomarrow when I have more power. Hope you have a wonderful day.\:wub\: Twinks

Gumby_GirlJun 11, 2008

Hi Sally \:\) How's things? I've been flat out with work, don't think it's going to slow down anytime soon. How about you? Doing any challenges? I just downloaded your house. It's beautiful, you did a great job. Lots of space, I could use some of that. I have a 2 bed apartment to myself but I have too much stuff. I need to do a big clear out. I think if I found the time to do that I'd rather spend it building \;\) Hope you're having a nice day \:D Lou

06bekJun 11, 2008

Hi Sallyhails, thanks for commenting on my Lady Marmalade painting set! \:D

twinkletoeJun 11, 2008

Just wondering how you are. I worked all night the last few evenings on the quilt. I am done now.\:rah\: I was able to sima little today.\:D I put up a screenie but it didn't turn out as well as I would have liked. What have you been up to? Was there a plane crash in Oman today?

twinkletoeJun 8, 2008

I'm still going to be working on the quilt this weekend. I did not finish today and the way it is looking I may not be done untill this week. I have one side of the binding done and three more sides to do plus I will tie the quilt in the areas we did not sew it. I think I have about 8 to 10 hours left before I am done.\:eek\: What ever was I thinking\:D Job's tomb sounds interesting. I googled it.\;\) I like historical stuff too. Yikes I've done cross stitch too. All crafty hobbies seem like they have their own challenges. Almost that time again. I may not catch ya tonight. If not I'll see ya around.\:wub\: Twinks

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