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shaml_sim_'s Guestbook

Midnight222Apr 26, 2010

Hi Sam, the bronco's are going to do a little better than the storm \;\) Amazing the behind the scenes cheating thats been going on. I know many people are complaining about the penalty but hopefully it will make others think twice before trying to corrupt the system. Next year will be interesting to see how they go on a level playing field .... if they are still around! Hope you are having a great day, Kaz

Midnight222Apr 25, 2010

Hey Sam. The weekend is going ok so far but I had to turn of the footy match at half time, I couldn't face the bombers beating \:D Love the banner! Thanks for commenting on my screenshot of Fred .... I downloaded the sim Fred just to see what that hairdo would look like. ..... sad aren't I lol! Hope you are having a great weekend, Kaz

runesong54Apr 25, 2010

Thank you for signing my guestbook...  I've just submitted my first story.  I don't know if it will be published but if it is, it is called "The Fae of Dolphin Cove" and it is about a Fairy who is manipulating and bad.  If its published, would you take a look at it and give me HONEST critisism?  I won't be mad no matter what you say because I would like to be a good story teller like you are.  \:wub\: Thank you, Runesong

IllandryaApr 25, 2010

Hi Sam! Thank you for your lovely, kind comment on Veronika and indeed all your comments throughout the entire series. It means a lot to me that Veronika and her adventures have been received so well \:\) I had intended her originally as a fill-in between other stories, but it certainly hasn't turned out that way.  A Foreign romance, huh?  Sounds intriguing! I can't wait to read the first chapter \:D I have started on the main chapters for Merindylen and it's starting to look bigger than Ben Hur! Luckily I have a week's leave coming up and, once I'm caught up on uni work, I will be frantically writing to get ahead and have some chapters up my sleeve for both Merindylen and Veronika. The wheels in my brain are already churning out Veronika's next adventure, unfortunately I can't write as fast as my mind is working and by the time I catch up with the words I forget what brilliant idea I (thought) I had. I have to keep a notebook by my bed to write things down as soon as they come to me. Some nights I spend the first hour of "sleep" turning on the light, writing a line or two, turning off the light, 15 seconds of sleep, repeat!

IllandryaApr 24, 2010

Hi Sam! Just a quick note to let you know that the finale to "The Message in the Stones" is now posted on Veronika's blog \:D Enjoy your long weekend!

francienApr 23, 2010

Hi Sam, just finished reading your last Hiddenstory and I'm glad I did..lovely story ! Have a great weekend\:wub\:  

Jennifer_RApr 23, 2010

Hi Sam, wow your are a busy bee at the moment aren't you. It sounds like you are organized though. \:\) Good luck with your assignments and your resume updating. I had mine updated recently by a someone who writes them professionally. I was shocked when she sent it to me, it was 5 pages long! My old one was only 2 pages. She did a fabulous job though, it was well worth the money. Now I just have to find some jobs I want to apply for. lol Good luck with finding a new place to live too, that is a task in it's self! Thanks for the hints on how to get up close. I always wondered how people did, then X or Z, move mouse around...I think I can remember that. lol Since it's a long weekend I'm hoping to have part 8 of The Drifter out this weekend. I'm eager to start on my next couple of projects. An idea came to me the other night for a new story, so I really want to get started on that. So many ideas, so little time! Well nuff babbling from me.... hope you have a lovely weekend and that you get some simming time in between all the other stuff. ~ Jen \;\)  \:wub\:

Peachybitz1Apr 22, 2010

\;\) it's only as scary as what is in your mind as you look at it \;\)  I'll look out for the next part of hidden \:\) can't wait \:\) Have a FAB weekend! \:wub\:

erinmarie312Apr 22, 2010

Thank you for the nice comment Sam! I also wanted to say that I love your stories! I am looking forward to your next \:D

Jennifer_RApr 22, 2010

Hey Sam, how are you girly? \:\) Another week almost over, gee time flies. Just wanted to thank you for your lovely comment and congrats on my screenie Party Under the stars. I was surprised to see it on the front page! I had to remake my sim self again, so I threw her a party to welcome her to the new neighborhood. I just wish there was a spa for all of them to party in too. Oh well hopefully with the next expansion. I love your new avatar pic, every time I see it I want to eat some candy! lol Hope your having a great week. ~ Jen

IllandryaApr 21, 2010

Hi Sam! Thanks for your lovely comment on the beginnings of The Merindylen Chronicles. I really appreciate it! I have so many notes already and more running around my head that the hardest thing to do is to turn it into an organised mess that will make sense to the readers, not just to me \:D Hopefully not too long a wait for the next chapter, although I will get another Veronika chapter out first, I promise.

Peachybitz1Apr 21, 2010

\:wub\: and thank you for your brilliant comment on my screenshot \:wub\:

fredbrennyApr 20, 2010

Hi Sam! Thabks for reading and commenting on chapter 3 of our story! Now that everyone knows the two guys are twin brothers I will probaly change Didier's hairstyle a little, so you can keep them apart LOL ! I had his hairstyle different first, but then I wanted to not give away yet they were twins, it had to look like the same guy! Have a super day and I will see you soon again!\:wub\:

martoeleApr 20, 2010

Hi Sam! Thank you very much for your nice words on the first chapter 'The Hunter Twins - Travelling'. \:\) You know that I appreciate it very much.

staceface2009pApr 20, 2010

thanks for the compliments on my minisite Sam. I'm not sure if i'm going to keep that banner, because now I've unlocked my profile color themes. So i'll most likely be changing it again. \:D

IllandryaApr 19, 2010

Hi Sam! Love your new banner \:\) Just a quick note to let you know that I have published the prologue of my new story The Merindylen Chronicles at I promise I haven't forgotten Veronika, the last chapter of her current adventure should be out within a week or so \:D

staceface2009pApr 19, 2010

you're welcome. Lol and i was thinking about doing the same thing awhile ago but I wanted more Kudos first. I have enough now to do my entire minisite over. But, i think i'll wait until I get even more. hehe \;\)

flody888Apr 18, 2010

Hi Sam. Like I said, 'no pressure' about the update to 'Someone Special'. I know better than to rush an artist. \;\) I'm perfectly content to wait and I am reading your 'Hidden' story too. \:\) I can't imaging the work you put into all of this with the flashbacks especially. Not just the clothes and decor and lots but working with the plot and different age stages of characters etc. Really fabulous work. It's appreciated!!!

staceface2009pApr 18, 2010

Lovely Banner Sam! Your Minisite looks Fab! \:wub\:

flody888Apr 17, 2010

Hi shaml_sim. Thank you for being the first to 'sign' my guest book. \:\) Btw, I love the hair and clothes and decor in your stories. It's like reading/watching a sim soap opera/sim fashion layout. \;\) I will definitely read your other stories. I have to admit though that I'm still attached to your 'Someone Special' characters and can't wait to read the update (no pressure! \:\) ). That's a good thing though! \:rah\:

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