shannon730 (1435656)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (258 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Fun In The Sun -- Red
Published Mar 13, 2008
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
Umm...not sure what to say. I'm a Web Design student and have trouble walking due to serious leg injuries so I spend a great deal of time on the computer and started playing Sims last year, and then discovered Sims 2 and have become quite addicted.
All of my recolors and objects are also available at my Sims Creations Journal
My Latest Updates Show All
Free timeWritten Mar 08, 2008
Finally had some free time to work on recoloring some furniture. Hopefully will get to do more very soon. So how's everyone enjoying Free Time? ...More
New Projects and making meshesWritten Nov 05, 2007
Well, it seems I might have to postpone learning to make meshes for a while. I didn't realize that Milkshape had to be purchases and wasn't shareware. I've downloaded Blender and found a tutorial for it but it seems more complicated to learn than Milkshape so I'm going to try it but may have postpone until i can afford to purchase Milkshape. So in the meantime (and because my Sims needed... ...More
New SetsWritten Nov 02, 2007
The last two sets of wall tiles to match the Vitreo-Brillante floorings are approved and are just waiting to be published. And I've uploaded a new set of backsplash tiles as well as a set of toilet recolors to match the Vitreo-Brillante floors and walls sets. Next project is shower/tubs that match since I have a sort of obsession with matching furnishings... After that I want to try... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
charrayAug 12, 2009
Your creations are very nice Thanks for the work and for sharing Great job!
cmcoats2003Apr 14, 2008
well if you get bored hehe.. any shade of purple would be fabulous.
sprengel45Nov 12, 2007
You're very welcome. Thanks for writing in my guestbook.