shellybell55 (80763)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (31 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Published Apr 20, 2012
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (77 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Sea World
Published Mar 4, 2009
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About Me
Hi, Hi, Hi! I'm Shell. SO GLAD TO BE BACK! I have been gone since November 2009....almost 2 years now. I went through a divorce, and have found the love of my life. I'm recently re-married and have a wee one on the way. It feels so good to be back to TSR, and I a getting my profile updated, and ready to go. Im in the process of building some new lots and sims for I really hope you enjoy them. I have been playing the little simmies since the First Original Sims hit the shelves, literally. I have been completely obsessed ever since! I love to design houses for the sims, especially historic homes. I love The Sims Resource because there are so many extremely talanted and creative artists here. I enjoy being part of this family. I hope you enjoy the homes I bring to the site! I greatly appreciate all feedback and thanks. Thanks again for looking at my profile and have a wonderful day!!!!!
My Latest Updates Show All
Whats your favorite Holiday? Tell me.....c'mon!!!Written Oct 09, 2008
Hi people, hope your all well. I was just wondering, WHATS YOUR FAVORITE HOLIDAY? I would love to know, if your all as obsessed with Halloween as I am!! My favorite holiday is, yes.....All Hallows' Eve. Christmas of course is second. So let me know, would love to hear from ya!!! Shell ...More
Do you prefer furnished or unfurnished lots?Written Aug 04, 2008
Just wondering, when you all download lots, do you prefer, furnished or unfurnished? Let me know! ...More
Are you sick of it yet?Written Jul 28, 2008
My Savannah series, I have people begging for more, and then today, I get one person who tells me enough already, on the savannah series, so tell me what you think. Is it time to quit on the series, or should I keep bringing them out, because I have so many others I want to share. Let me know what you think. ...More
My Guestbook Show All
iLuvYamapiMay 24, 2013
loooooove your work
PralinesimsApr 26, 2012
Thank you my dear♥♥♥
fredbrennySep 09, 2011
Hi Shell, please check your messages in Submittions Sims3.