sherlchedelic (5416996)
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millyanaJul 02, 2013
Hi sherichedelic! Welcome to TSR! When you download, be sure you save it in EA Games, Sims2, Downloads folder. Open the folder and find the 3 little book icon with the lot name on it. Right click on it and choose Extract here. Wait a few seconds and a sims2pack icon with the lot name will appear, probably at the bottom of your list of downloads. Double left click on it and the game installer will open. Click install. Start your game and you should find it in the lots catalog in neighborhood mode. Also bee sure that custom content is enabled in your game. You do that by clicking on the three dots in neighborhood mode, then the two gears that say Game Options, then be the cc enabled option is checked. All the best! Write to me again if you need more help. Your friend, millyana