sherrie_sim's Blog
Valentine Special
Because I will be away, I won't be making any valentine themed items, so I have featured some clothing that fits with the valentine theme fo you, Hope you like them.Pine 'Hand' Set Preview (9th Feb)
My latest set is a pine wood set with a marble hand chair. (Due for publish 9th Feb) It will also be available in Ebony/white marble soon.
Last of the cozy lavender items!
The cozy lavender set is drawing to a close, with just a few items left to publish. a single bed will be up first, followed by a cozy lavender bedroom #2, This will have a larger frame on the bed, a ottoman and some sheer lavender net curtains. Publish date Feb 3rdFor those of you that know I'm trying to give up smoking, I'm now on day 23 (whooooo hooo!) smoke free and I haven't cheated yet! I am/was a heavy smoker (20 - 30 a day), and I have smoked for about 20 years, this is the longest I have given up for, 7 days was my last failed attempt. After 23 days I'm really hoping to give up for good now. To keep myself occupied I'm concentrating on my sims creating.
Jennifer Garner (Jan 30th)
Preview of my Jennifer Garner set, with a dress for every occasion! Many thanks to enriquemt0 for requesting this.
Coming Jan 26 (They nearly didn't)
I have a new Cozy Lavender bedroom set coming soon (Jan 26)to compliment the cozy lavender living room.

It was such a wonderful surprise to be awarded SA today, I will do my best to live up to the title! Thanks Thomas.I have a few sets coming up soon, the first of which is a lavender living room set and the second is a chic clothing set for elders. next will be a matching lavender bedroom set to add to the collection and another chic elder set.