simbaby51 (1706247)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (3 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Meadowbrooke Homes #1
Published Aug 2, 2007
About Me
I am a big fan of the Sims 2 and have recently become addicted! I love creating houses and clothing- though I haven't uploaded much here. It's soon to come- I promise. My favorie family to play on TS2 is the Capp's. My favorite houshold of the bunch of them is Goneril and Albany Capp. I love playing them. I am trying to get them to have a boatload of children, but they are almost elders. They already have five, but...why am I bombarding you with this info? I hope you like my homes and stories. And to all you members that read my modeling story (I'm drawing a blank on what the heck it's called right now!) my computer lost all the info I had on TS2 because I had to uninstall one of my expansion packs. I will not be continuing any of my past stories except pehaps Design on a Simoleon. I hope you enjoy my creations. I also want to say thank you to all of the people on this site who provide such wonderful creations and meshes. Thank you so much! =)
My Guestbook Show All
HellfrozeoverJul 02, 2008
Sorry for the loooong wait but just to let you know, "Times Change..." part 11 is up. Thanks for reading the previous parts, I know it's a bit of a time-gap but here's hoping you remember enough to enjoy part 11 ! HFOxx
FathomDesignsJun 20, 2008
Thanks for commenting on my story "Miserable at Best." Glad you liked it
FathomDesignsJun 03, 2008
Hey, just wanted to let you know that part 3 of "Perfection" is out today!