simmothy (3178469)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (54 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Published Jul 2, 2012
About Me
Hi there. Thanks for stopping by. I do appreciate it
I'm a laid back guy that has always needed a creative outlet. Now here I am addicted to building lots for The Sims 3. I LOVE IT! Happy simmin'
My Latest Updates Show All
Select Artist debut!Written Oct 20, 2010
It is awesome to be a Select Artist for TSR. I am very grateful and thankful. Thank you to all those who have wished me well and supported my work here. Well, enough of that. I gotta get back to work on my first official lot as an SA. Bye for now:) ...More
Featured lotWritten Oct 17, 2010
It's an unbelievable honor to have my fifth lot (Modern Passion) as a featured creation! This is not too shabby for a guy that started building in June of this year. It's exciting to see your creativity be accepted by people from around the world. Thank you all, for your kind comments and words of encouragement. And for clicking the little heart, showing your appreciation. And last but not... ...More
EA ExchangeWritten Oct 02, 2010
Hello everyone! I'm also on the EA exchange under the name "Magnifly". So if you see one of my lots on there, it should (better) be under that name:) I just learned how to put custom pics on the EA exchange today. So I uploaded one of my lots. Also keep in mind that there are people on EA that steal lots and other content from TSR artists. So all you investigators be on the look out. TSR... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
marcorseApr 05, 2013
Yes dear friend! Waaaay too long! But I can't point any fingers, because I have been most inactive for the past 3 months myself! It was lovely to see your comment on Serendipity coinciding with our returns. Thank you and I hope to see a bit of the simmothy touch on show, very soon? Huge hugs, Marg.
Ray_SimsDec 26, 2012
♥ ♥ ♥ Merry Christmas and Wishing you an abudance of friends, happiness, joy holiday season and very best for the new year ♥ ♥ ♥ ~ much love ~ Ray ~
NataliSDec 25, 2012
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!