simsperson098 (1927742)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (1 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Linkin Park Tee
Published Feb 25, 2008
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skystars5Jan 02, 2009
Hi again Simsperson! Wow, it's been a year since my last entry in your guest book.
You asked: "Hi Skystars5 hope you had a good Christmas and a happy new year i was wondering if you could help, i recently got sims university and none of the clothes i download work on it and now that university is on here my seasons won't work do you have any ideas? byee xx"
Are you sure that you have all of the required meshes if there were any? Also if you have any hacks or mods in your game when you install another EP it can cause problems. If you do have any of those, remove them and see if your items show up. Are they showing up in bodyshop?
skystars5Jan 01, 2008
I'm happy to hear the tutorials helped. I'm looking forward to your future creations. Please let me know when you've uploaded your hair.
skystars5Dec 24, 2007
Hi again simsperson098! Here is a link for hair tutorials here at TSR. ...Just copy and paste it into your browser... Also, here is another website and a link to MTS2, they have some fantastic tutorials. I think that you'll find a tutorial for most things that you would like to learn to do.
...I hope these help. Sky