sirmildredpierce (708392)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (33 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Pink Bandana Skirt
Published Mar 24, 2005
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About Me
I've been playing the Sims since the first one came out. Heck, I've been playing "Sim" games since the first Sim City came out!! I didn't start creating content until The Sims 2 came out, just because it seems easier to make and easier to organise large collections of clothing. My main focus is on clothing, mainly T-shirts and casual wear, since that's what most people wear in real life. Everyone I know owns at least a dozen T-shirts, so why not your Sim too?
My Guestbook Show All
VivMar 28, 2005
Great work - love the young adult stuff. Ps. I have submitted a child's salwar kameez outfit which should be available in the next few days.
Charlie640Jan 31, 2005
Heyz wow, thanks for the clan cameron being a cameron an all its great to see our tartan around...i was planning on making one myself but u saved me the bother!
VivDec 28, 2004
Hey you dont do so bad yourself - nice work. Thanx for the entry in my guestbook. PS I have submitted 2 more sari's