skinflin (827311)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (1261 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

leaves musty purple fall
Published Apr 23, 2008
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About Me
Hi im skinflin.(aka annetta).
I live in Bunbury Australia,(never been outside of Australia).Married with a workaholic husband(gav)+ 5 kids,and 6 grandkids,plus 2 future step granddaughters.They all keep me on my toes..I first new about the sims when my daughter brought around sims 2 to play on my comp..
I got into the sims when my eldest son brought me the sims 2 nightlife for my birthday.I like making things in paint shop pro, so now I make walls and floors..Something to do while being bored and the nights i dont sleep,.With my beautiful Staffy named Sheba and my staffy x dog Squirt by my feet also.
Sadly my staffy x dog named Squirt died.before xmas.
Well i am now back to one dog.Plus some how my daughter and future daughter in law managed to give me their cats named Chicko and Smoo.So along with baby my pet wiro i got for xmas i seem to have a small petting zoo.(plus the 20 budgies at the back.The not so dwarf rabbit,and 6 goldfish)
My Guestbook Show All
charrayMay 16, 2009
I love your creations. You did a wonderful job Thanks for all the work and for sharing
kittyispretty69Mar 13, 2008
Thanks so much for the nice comment on my Summer Casuals for adults set. I hope you will enjoy it! Happy Simming!!
Vanilla SimJan 29, 2008
Hi Annetta, Thank you so much for the lovely comments you left me on my African Melody items. I'm truly happy you like the set. I hope you enjoy them in your game. Take care.