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skippyscatt's Guestbook

sesameApr 7, 2008

Hiya Skippyscatt! WOW I just adore the beach home and I am honored you included the Ma Kai Lanai set. I sooooo need a vacation after all this snow and the beach would be perfect! Are you taking reservations?\;\) I hope you have a wonderful week and stop by anytime, even if it's just to say hello \:wub\: Sesame

shadow66Apr 5, 2008

Hello again \:\) Thank you for such a lovely comment about my walls - it's little things like that which make all the difference don't you think! \:D Congrats on reaching the 100,000 downloads landmark \:rah\: - maybe one day I'll be able to say that! \:D

06bekApr 5, 2008

Thankyou for your comments on my Lipslicks V2 lipgloss set \:D I really appreciate it \:wub\:

shadow66Apr 5, 2008

Hi skippyscatt - or should I say 'sister minisite newbie'! \;\) Just to say thanks for stopping by and posting in my blog \:D - I was doing the same, trying to find out where everything had gone, but it all came good in the end! Luv the cat btw - I've got 2, mother & son, they're great! About 25 miles east of Brighton since you ask - I used to live right on the coastline, but now it's a 10 minute drive - still, it's nice in the summer though \:cool\: You've got a lot of forests & countryside out in Colorado haven't you? - Never been to the US, only seen pictures! Anyway, keep up the good work \:D

DiamondSimApr 5, 2008

Hi, skippyscatt! Thank you for the sweet compliment on the Book Nook set!\:wub\: I am so glad you like it! And I always try to vote on polls if I run across one. Every vote counts! \:D

TabbyLouApr 4, 2008

Hi & thanks so much for the wonderful comment on my MM recolors of Windkeeper's Mailbox Cover with Shelf. So glad you like it and can use them. Sorry your folder is bloated, Not! LOL! Keep On Simmin'! \:rah\: Enjoy! \:cool\:

Cerulean TalonApr 1, 2008

Hello Skippyscatt, \:rah\: Thank you, thank you, thank you, you are always so very kind in your comments and they are very appreciated. BTW, my Sims love your autumn set!!! Smiles & happy wishes, CT \:wub\:

DonnhaApr 1, 2008

Thank you for your lovely comment on my Country Charm Walls ... I'm really happy that you like them \:D

Gumby_GirlMar 27, 2008

Hello again \:\) You're welcome, keep up the awesome work \:rah\: Have a lovely day \:\)

Gumby_GirlMar 23, 2008

Hi skippyscatt, thanks so much for your lovely comment on my Tuscany Mural Wall Set. I appreciate the feedback \:\) Ooh I love your Autumn Harvest sets, very to dl them now \:\)

skippyscattMar 23, 2008

I will be watching for the bed and bath to come out. And I'll definitely lobby for the living set! I love it when a house comes together. \:P

Cerulean TalonMar 22, 2008

Hello Skippyscatt, \:cool\: It was such a pleasure to hear from you. Thank you for that lovely comment on my The Roses Kitchen and Wall/Floor sets. I really appreciated it! The matching masterbedroom & bath are coming out next Friday. \:wub\: Smiles and happy wishes, CT \:D

Cerulean TalonMar 22, 2008

Hehehe \:D that was the cutest compliment I've gotten! \:rah\: Thanks, and sorry for providing more goodies onto your computer. \:D Kitchen and wallpapers/floors came out yesterday and master bedroom/bath (with tile wall/floor) come out next Friday. I'm debating making a living area so that it could be another coordinated home. Smiles and hugs, CT \:wub\:

cinderellimouseMar 21, 2008

mmmmmmmm..... potato cheese casserole.... mmmmmmm! \:P You can make me one of those! It sounds yummy!!! \:P I made vegetable soup tonight and I really enjoyed it. I've made lots too... I always make lots thinking I'll freeze it and eat it throughout the week but I just end up eating it all in a day! \:puke\: \:P \:D

cinderellimouseMar 20, 2008

Pete cooks a bit like that. He just raids the cupboards and thows a load of stuff together and 9 times out of 10 it's fabulous!!! \:P \:P \:P If I did that I'd either get a) food poisoning, b) a piece of modern art like that messy bedroom by tracy emin or whatever her name is, or c) something that's edible but you have to hold your nose to eat it!!! \:D I'm awful! I follow the recipie and it still goes wrong! \:eek\: The only thing I'm good at is soup. I can make lots of different soups from scratch but they are pretty easy. Anything involving meat and I've had it!!!

cinderellimouseMar 18, 2008

I'm the same!!! I always joke that I'm anti-social!!! \:D I've snuck on the site while I'm ATTEMPTING to cook dinner!!! There's cooking oil everywhere and I've washed my hands about ten times because I'm paranoid about the raw chicken!!! I shouldn't be allowed withing ten feet of a kitchen! I'm dangerous! \:D \:D \:D Can you cook?

cinderellimouseMar 18, 2008

I'm back at work now (I was off last week) so I don't get as much time to chat as I'd like. \:\( So I'm sorry if I'm a bit slow to reply. \;\)

cinderellimouseMar 16, 2008

Good thinking! The only objects I've re-coloured so far have been my vintage pictures but someone told me they've been done before! \:o I've worked out that you can get your sims to paint pretty much ANYTHING using the easel anyway, so I've got lots of van gogh and monet hanging from my sim walls!!! I love making clothes... that's my fave thing to make. It takes me a while to get them right but when I've done them I'm really happy with them. I'm just about to check to see is my latest set is approved yet... fingers crossed!!! \;\)

cinderellimouseMar 16, 2008

Well if you figure it out let me know!!! \:D I can't believe you've only been doing re-colours since January! Your creations are really good! \:D

sesameMar 16, 2008

Hiya skippyscatt! WOW thank you so much for the very sweet comments on the Ma Kai Lanai sets. I am so happy you like them and I am sorry it took so long to respond. TSR is so lucky to have members such as yourself, you leave such detailed and positive feedback. In other words YOUR GREAT!!\:rah\: \:rah\: Have a Happy Day\:D Sesame

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