smgirl825 (647309)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (7 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

180 E 6 St.
Published Jul 15, 2006
About Me
A sims lover.I also like working on websites.Oh I have made some stuff for the sims.And I am a moonie. (Moonie= Sailor Moon Fan)That is what my personal website is about.In my sailor moon site I have some The Sims DLs.Most of them are walls and floors.I'm making some skins but, it takes me a while because I have a mesh that is a little difficlut to work with.I have the sims 2,university, and nightlife ,OFB,Pets, and Seasons.I have a site for TS2.Look at the end for the URL.I love learning different things.
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