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smileface1012's Guestbook

olja.98Aug 13, 2014

Hey! Thanks for the comment on my picture..It was a long time ago but ive seen it today haha .,,n those shorts are from QuizicalGin if u wondered haha ..Have a great day \:\) \:wub\:

mariacoraJun 17, 2014

Tash !! I really miss you. I was busy by the school and now youupi the holidays , I wonder if you remember me hahaha :*

ekattieMay 17, 2014

i just saw your comment on my guestbook from, like, september last year ahaha i just wanted to say thank you and you're so sweet c:

MekellMay 12, 2014

Oops, I should have finished looking at your studio before I posted just now. I was looking at your horse Commanche and just had to comment again! Most people make a mess of horses faces when they try to add white to it. Yours is just stunning! I've been looking for one with the right markings for my game. I can't wait to play him in game! Thanks so much!\:rah\:

MekellMay 12, 2014

Hey, I was just passing by since it's been a while since I visited your studio. I LOVE your little kitty, Mittens! What a cute Tuxedo kitty! You make some of the cutest little pets ever! \:wub\:

canoel7Apr 23, 2014

Hello! Saw your uploads again and I always notice the cute doggie on your icon. So cute!!\:D

NisukiApr 2, 2014

♥ . I still want to thank you for your comment on my story ^-^ . It means a lot to me, from you! I hope you're doing fine, and with school and all! Take care. xo

NisukiMar 17, 2014

♥. You're welcome! I'll have my final year, next year.. If I pass this year, which I probably.. and hopefully will xD Thank you so much for your comment on my story too dear ^o^ ! Have a fantastic week! xo

NisukiMar 15, 2014

Hello ♥. Wah, school.. I know how you're feeling. School has been bugging me ever since it has started.. *sigh* I can't wait till the summer holidays will come... I can feel the sun burning on my skin already.. well, not literally of course.. LOL. You're finaly year huh? Do your best and take care of yourself! xx

NisukiMar 7, 2014

♥. Hai! AWA, Thanks for ye comment and hell, haven't seen you for a while D: I haven't been that active either the past days, but I sure haven't seen you around here o: Hopefully you're doing well! \:wub\:

NisukiJan 30, 2014

Haai! Oh my blooooosh, I know what you mean about Fauna! \:wub\: I actually created Fauna with the quick hand, and pretty much didn't look for some beaautiful face, but just small and cute. But somehow I managed this, and daaamn, I totally fell in love with her too!! >o< So, I'm glad you like her! Haha. I'm talking too much :x. I hope you're doing well! I'm looking forward for your next chapters aswell =D Have an awesome day!

AlessaFayeJan 29, 2014

That's definitely what keeps Meena so interested too! She wants to know more about this sexy stranger. \:\)

NisukiJan 9, 2014

Hii Tashi! Glad to hear you liked the latest chapters! :3 You're so right. You know... When I was looking at Bryan I thought... I CAN'T DO IT, TO MAKE HIM THE BADBOY :CCCC . So yea.. XD (I've got another sweety for that role). Anywayss. You'll definitely see more in the next chapters! Can't wait for yours either! c: Have an awesome day! x Suki

mariacoraJan 5, 2014

Same case here --' !! hhhh so good luck to us ! I'll miss a lot :* !

mariacoraJan 4, 2014

I'm great too , thank you ! Yeaah I've been busy with school , you know this year I have to work hard to get my baccalaureate :3 , this is why I was absent all this time ! aha I'll start reading your new story , I have to read the last chapters of " secret garden " too !! also I'll do my best to put my next chapter as soon as I can ! \:D have a nice day !

mariacoraJan 3, 2014

Hiii Tashy !! how are you ! ow it's been so long that we didn't talk I really miss you :* ! an other thing thank you for your lovely comment on my new story glad that you like it ! wish you happy new year !! my kiss \:wub\:

NisukiDec 24, 2013

♪♫ Hello hello! I'm here to wish you the best holidays up to now & everyone among you too! Hopefully, joy and happiness will fill your days! \:wub\: May all your wishes come true the upcoming days! Thousands of hugs to you, Sukiღ. ♬♪

NisukiDec 14, 2013

Hello sweetheartღ. Thank you for your lovely comment! ^o^ I'm really happy to hear that you enjoy reading the chapter, and even wanted more! hahaha. Hopefully, I'll be able to post the next soon! Can't wait to see the next chapter of guardian angel too ^o^. xx hugsღ.

AlessaFayeDec 10, 2013

Well if you thought Theo looked familiar, that might give you a clue as to what might happen next \:\)

BeaSimmerDec 9, 2013

Thanks! Im going to wait for the holidays to get started, and I'll let you know when I post the first chapter :P

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