somyli (2598648)
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Living Dead GirlSep 26, 2010
Hi, somyli! I'm glad you liked the Teenager in Love set! Unfortunately, there is no double bed to match that particular set, and sadly, I had to uninstall TS2 in order to install TS3, so I don't have the necessary programs installed to make one for TS2. If you ever install TS3, I can convert the set and make a double bed to match though!
mirakeMay 30, 2010
Wooo! Happy to hear you enjoy my Oala set!
So you'd like a double bed the same as the single one, with the drawers under it? That's not impossible, I'll try to make this for you!
MsBarrowsApr 11, 2010
Hi somyli, I'm glad you like my creations
Before I could do any editing to a mesh made by someone else, I would need that person's permission to modify their work. Or I'd have to make my own double-bed version of the original mesh.