soobooloo (834790)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (66 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations
About Me
Nothing much, I just love simming and making outfits for them. Thank you to everyone who downloads my submittions, comments my guestbook, or comments my creations. I would love to hear your feedback on my submittions! Please, tell me if I can improve on something or what you liked about it Thanks!
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Shiya BAug 02, 2008
What up! I can't find that Silver Sequin Dress/ Versace mesh? Is it (Teen or Adult)? Ppplleeaassee tell me what the mesh looks like?
kay44Mar 07, 2008
Hi. I wanted to say I love your hair from the XM Sims Recolor - Straight Hair Set but I can't find the mesh because the link sends me to an error on that page. But I went searching and I want to know is this the mesh on the top? want to use your hair because it's just what I want. I hope you can help me resolve my problem..haha...Thanks!
simal10Sep 13, 2007
Hey soobooloo! Thank you for using my mesh for your outfits They both look great