stinkybutt123 (3282882)
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Well howdy all! First class professional procrastinator and lazy son of a gun at your service. How may I help you?
My Sims story (on this website) is called 'Where He's Been' if you wanna stop by and check it out? You know if you're like super bored and want something to do...
My Guestbook Show All
sanhammyMay 25, 2014
Hello, stinkybutt!(btw, I really like the name )
since I did not have much time to read stories, it took me quite some time to finish yours. The story is beautiful. But, I was wondering if you're going to update. It's been such a long time. I really love the story. Please update! The story was growing more and more interesting.
NisukiApr 22, 2014
oh deary me. that's quite a long comment. woops! *smirksmirk* hugs ~!
NisukiApr 22, 2014
First your comment on my story. ♥ HAHAHAHAHA, I've actually writed chapter 10 twice. I scratched the first writing, and rewrited it and the result is what you see now. In the 1st draft I actually dropped Lucy in the woods.. and there she would met these tiny creatures... I'm not going further XD (You'll actually see something like this soon... but perhaps with a few twitches) ♥ Guestbook time! Yup. Other ideas. Other fancy creatures. Hehehehe.. what could we even do without these mods? D: Well yea, just some limitations, but yea.. xD Meh, I can imagine England with rain. I've been there before, to be exact, we stayed in some kind of boarding school not too far from London. It was fun! 1 day it was really rainy.. but the rest was quite sunny! The Netherlands has it's BEAUTIFUL weather too. *cough*. HAHAHAHA. I know what you mean, man, I have some friends, and we know like, yea man, cool to see you again, but there are some, indeed, just as you described.. suffocating hugs... I'm like.. woman! Do you want me to suffocate? well, not that I actually say it. It's fine, as long as I'm still able to breath! Man, I know right, when I'm on a break, I don't feel like doing anything. Just.. me.. my laptop.. the bench.. perhaps gonig for a walk.. that would be greeaat! I quite enjoy the silence, but I love to party too. Oke, don't imagine me, getting drunk and shit like that, but LOL... ok, I'm probably going to far now. okeoke scrap that part. Hahahaha! Loved how you said that XD battle armour, lool! No worries I'll be backing you up, if needed! asdfhjkll. 4 days to go... FOUR DAYS! T___T