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studyofme's Guestbook

IllianaJan 29, 2009

Noticed you were having a birthday today!!!! \:D Happy birthday to you, StudyofMe! I hope you are properly spoiled, and that your fondest wish is granted for you today. \:rah\: \:wub\: Enjoy your VERY special day! - Illiana

billygirlJan 21, 2009

Thanks for your comment. I'm glad you liked it.\:\)

iron mumJan 17, 2009

Hi there, thank you for commenting on my screenshot "Moonlight romance", I'm glad you liked it \:D

tdyanndJan 17, 2009

Hi, Nina. Thanks for reading the Creator's Camp blog. I can't wait to get my own copy of the Sims 3, too!

Odey92Nov 30, 2008

Thanks for your confidence boosting comment \:\) More items coming soon \;\) Keep me bookmarked! \:\)

GrayDragonflyNov 13, 2008

Hello! Thank you for signing my guestbook! You're such a sweetie! I'm glad you like my work so much. That's very motivating for to me. I also take your not downloading jewelry much and then downloading all of mine as a huge compliment. I really appreciate that. Take Care and Happy Simming! ~Priscilla \:wub\:

aol_chunkytrolNov 9, 2008

Thank you for your kind comments on my three lots. Wow! I'm tickled that you like them so much. Greer Technology Building is a great place to have on campus. You can use the beauty school to give a facial upgrade to some of the uglier ones. Seems they all come from the secret society! Monticello Dreams took me a very long time to build. It is very closely modeled after Thomas Jefferson's famous home in Charlottesville. Once Seasons came out, I added an orchard, like he also had. Broke's Family Farm was very fun for me to build. It is my favorite type of architecture. I have descendants of Brandi Broke living in mine. They also have a fruit stand in town to sell their produce. Again, thanks for the flattering comments. I hope my lots serve you well.

zvaellaNov 7, 2008

Hi! Thank you for your comment on my Bubbly set! Glad you like it! \:D \:cool\:

MsBarrowsOct 28, 2008

Thanks for your recent comments on my sets - glad you liked them! Hope you had a great shopping spree on your free day! \:\)

DOTOct 3, 2008

Hi hi \:\) Thanks for the nice comment on my Sim Lighting \:\) I love your screen name \:cool\:

*Bunny*Sep 13, 2008

And thank you for reading my blog - I think you are the only one who does! Glad you like my re-colours of the Maxis kimonos. I just felt we needed a few more options. \:\)

*Bunny*Sep 13, 2008

Hello. I loved your comments on my H&M Superset - I'm so pleased that you think I have added something to the Maxis originals. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. \:\)

greeksimSep 3, 2008

Hi!...Thank you very much on your comments on my lot...\:\)

WarrayfinsonAug 25, 2008

Hey anytime! Keep Creating!!\:D \;\) \:\)

WarrayfinsonAug 24, 2008

Thanks for the comments in my forums. I love your creations, they are so awesome. I just downloaded the swimsuit and board shorts set. Thanks so much for sharing and your a talented artist too. You totally ROCK! Keep Creating!!\:D \;\) \;\) P.S Your avatar is really pretty...\:wub\:

skystars5Jul 12, 2008

Hi studyofme! \:D I'm so sorry to have taken so long to reply. After finally getting a new computer I was so very far behind that it has taken me this long to thank you. I really appreciate you taking the time leave such a nice comment on my Teen Lingerie Super Set. \:wub\: ~Sky

~Monica~Jun 13, 2008

Hello...thank you for your wonderful comment on my Dramatic Eyes Collection - it is appreciated \:wub\: Have a great day! \:\)

kibanahnahJun 12, 2008

Hi!thank you very much or your nice comment on my Romantica blanket, i'm glad you liked it!\:\) happy simming! *Cassandre*

janellevqMay 21, 2008

Hi, it's been a while since you commented on my story, but I thought I'd let you know that after some research I have discovered that PART of the eye may be transplanted. The whole eye may not, but corneal transplants are one of the most common/successful transplants. Just a little food for thought!\;\) \:D

AjoyaMay 16, 2008

Thanks for complimenting my "Swim Tankie" set. I'm glad that you enjoyed it. Even though I had to clear a few things up. (I credited the Mesh maker but forgot the Alpha maker) oops. \:ph34r\: I think that it's fixed now. \:wub\:

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