super_marie3 (1337254)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (16 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Contemporary House
Published Dec 2, 2009
About Me
I play the sims games since a long time now and i love it!! It my best game ever!! I love to create sims and lots,and i'm so facinated by the other creators that are doing so many amazing creation, they are so good, more than the sims creators loll. And playing sims is so fun!!But I think you already know that!!And now i begin to published my creation in TSR and I hope people will like the creation i do!!!
!!!HAVE FUN!!!!
My Latest Updates Show All
Its been a long long time...Written Dec 05, 2010
I everyone, its been a very long time since i have post some new lot on my page and i am very sorry for that. School just takes all my time and my sims 2 games add big problems with their code so... i past to sims 3 now!Holidays are almost their for me so i hope that i will have time to create a lot of new stuff. So have great holidays and play with your sims a lot!!ciao xox ...More
long time no see/ EA games problemsWritten May 22, 2010
I havent been uploading new lot since a long time because of school that had taken all my time(and when i say all it is ALL!), and i wont be able to do it anymor because i cant play any games of the sims 2 that i have bought. Writing license data impossible!, it says. it seems to be a problem that ea games are unable to repare and every time i ask for help they make me believed that they will... ...More
Contemporary house IMPORTANTWritten Dec 30, 2009
Hi everyone, im sorry for the one that wanted to download the contemporary house inspired of the zero house, because it need the open for business pack too. I had completly forgot about the new level floor that i had use for the roof, i had not remembered that it were into thi pack, so i want to say that i am really sorry, and i hope you will excuse me for this mistake. ...More