
88Creations 427,932Downloads

svetica7's Guestbook

mutskeJun 19, 2011

Hi, I'm glad you like my plants Thanks for the nice comment \:wub\:

emmy27Sep 10, 2007

hi i just wanted to say thank you for all the lovely things you share with us have a nice day \:D emmy27

EuterpeMay 22, 2007

Hi Svetica! Your skins, and everything else are so beautiful!Thank you for sharing them with us! \:rah\:

SofijaDosenMay 21, 2007

Ej, hvala za informaciju!\:D Bum pokusala napraviti plakat!\;\)

prin6jeMay 20, 2007

Hi Svetika! I'm glad you like my garden signs and I hope you'll find them useful \:\) Thank you for your nice comment!

SofijaDosenMay 17, 2007

Svetica prestara za Exit?!\:D\:D Svidjaju mi se tvoje kreacije!\:rah\: Kako pravis slike i postere? Jel' komplikovano?

SofijaDosenMay 13, 2007

Cao! Drago mi je sto ti se svidja moj Pool Party!\:D To je moj prvi upload ikad, tako da su mi misljenja drugih veoma bitna. Exit je muzicki festival koji se vec godinama dogadja u Novom Sadu. Veoma je popularan i ljudi dolaze sa svih strana sveta! Na Exitu sam se upoznala i sprijateljila sa mnogo Hrvata pa sam kontala da si cula. Ako si zainteresovana zakaci se na \;\) Proglasen je za najveci muzicki festival u ovom delu Evrope!\:rah\:

biatch1965May 11, 2007

\:D Thank you for all your wonderful creations!!! Love your screenshots too!!! \:rah\:

SofijaDosenMay 6, 2007

Cao! Stvarno je retko naleteti na nekog sa ex Yu prostora!\:D Ja sam iz Novog Sada (poreklom Hrvatica, takodjer), super mi je komunicirati na "nasem" jeziku!\:D Jel' dolazis na Exit?

galileaApr 19, 2007

Hi svetica7! Thank you so much for downloading my Moon Glenn Cottage! I hope it plays well in your game. Have a good day!!!

LadyMinionApr 18, 2007

Hi svetica, thank you for the lovely compliments on Brightview Micro Dorm and Brightview Urban Villa recently. \:\) Best wishes, ~Becky

Wolfsim68Apr 18, 2007

I'm so glad you like my creations, as I've just joined S2HBAA (Sims2 House Builder's Addicts Anonymous) but not to be cured, just so I have other Addict's to talk to! If you want to check out some of our creations, come & see our new site "Simtation Estates": Love & Hugs \:wub\: Shaz

jdamgaardApr 12, 2007

Dear Svetika. Thanks you so much for your information about EP's I was not sure which ones to click off. So your information was quite helpful\:rah\:

sonicpixie420Jan 31, 2007

Da, zakon ti je site. Kad napravim jos slika napravit cu i ja svoj mali site, specijaliziran za slike i postere.

sonicpixie420Jan 30, 2007

Pozdrav iz Rijeke. Tvoje kreacije su zbilja krasne. Pogledaj moje - imam akvarele rijecke luke, a uskoro dodajem jos slika nasih lijepih mjesta na Jadranu.

linegudJul 7, 2006

Thank you... I´m happy you like my flowers... \;\) linegud

Little SeerJun 19, 2006

I haven't stopped by to say hi for a very long time. Hope you are doing well. You are really making some wonderful items. Cheers!\:wub\:

iZazuMay 14, 2006

Thanks so much for the very nice comment! I really appreciate it. How have you been? Have a nice weekend!! Linda\:\)

iZazuMay 2, 2006

Busy is good!! Well everyone except me..\;\) Sometimes I love to be idol....Take care and do good with your school work!! Keep in touch with me and let me know how it is going!! Simming Friend, Linda

iZazuApr 14, 2006

Wow, I just read your other comment on my lot Kristy Lynn. Thank you very much. I am really glad I can make your day!! LOL...Sorry I missed it with the previous signing of your guestbook. Thanks alot! Linda\:\)

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