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sylvia54's Guestbook

ArtVitalexAug 6, 2019

Hi Sylvia, \:wub\: Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my "Eastleigh Bar And Dining". I'm so glad you like it. Have a wonderful days. \:wub\:

mutskeApr 29, 2019

Hi Sylvia, I'll be off for a couple off weeks now, due to an operation on my left hand (CTS). then later on my right hand needs to be done to, but I still have on my growing to do list \:\)

mutskeApr 28, 2019

Hi Sylvia, THX for the nice message on my Boise constructionset! I really appreciate it!

kardofeApr 23, 2019

Thank you very much for your excellent comment, you are very kind \:\)

soloriyaApr 15, 2019

Hi, Sylvia! Sorry, but I upload my creations only on TSR. I hope you understand. Have a nice day.

SIMcredible!Apr 13, 2019

Hallo, Sylvia! Sorry for the misunderstanding. English is not our mother tongue. If you create a house using our downloads, we ask you please do not include our own files, add only the links so people will download the files directly from TSR. We have this question covered at our faq page: "Can I include your downloads within my lots and rooms? Sorry but no. There're a lot of efforts and hard work behind our pieces and we ask you to please play fair \:\) Don't upload/redistribute our content at any web site, FTP, forum, the sims exchange, e-group, etc... Same applies for the redistribution of our meshes for the sims and/or any other game or site. If you include our downloads within your creations, you'll be redistributing our work. However, it's OK you use our files and add links for our custom content, but please do not include our objects with your lots and rooms. " So, in a short version of what was explained it is: No - do not include our objects within your house download. Yes - put a download link for your visitors get our meshes from TSR. Hope it is clear now \:\) Happy simming!

SIMcredible!Apr 11, 2019

Hallo Sylvia! Sorry but the only sites where we upload our files are our own and TSR. We have no interest in upload our work in any site else. If any other creator uploads our work in any other site it's against our policy and our will and we can not take any responsibility since EA updates her game from time to time and every now and then we have to update some of our bases as well. The only way we can guarantee our files working properly is if they were downloaded from official links - our own site and TSR. Happy simming!

soloriyaApr 2, 2019

Thank you so much for your kind words! ♥ Enjoy the game \:\)

SIMcredible!Apr 2, 2019

Hello Sylvia ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ Thank you so much for your comment at our set! We are happy to know our efforts bring grace to your game \:\) Well, we are not build creators, only decor items. Which means doors, windows and fences are not our cup of tea. And since we love decoration, apocalyptic items are not our kind as well. So sorry. Hope you can understand it. If you google for "sims4 prison" there are some few items such as doors and signs \;\) Wish you have a great week (•◡•)

NynaeveDesignMar 30, 2019

Sorry I can't help you regarding the Walking Dead fences, I don't watch the show. I make my build sets for personal use, something I want for my screenshots. My windows and doors will always be pretty basic, but if you're looking for something more interesting, you should take a look at Mustke's construction sets. Happy Simming and hope you find what you wish for!

SIMcredible!Mar 22, 2019

Hello, Sylvia ʕ ^ ͡ᴥ ^ ʔ Thank you for your comment at our Girls studio set! The reflective floors are from Brujah @ sims 4 studio forum. He offered lots of variation colors, but i recolored mine for personal use only, and only for screenshot purposes. You can make your own versions too. I made mine using sims 4 PE, but TSRworkshop and sims4 studio can easily make recolors too. I can't share mine, because they are Brujahs' work and also the textures are not optimized for re-distribution. As i said, they are just a quick recolor. brujah's creations ( including the relective floors! ) can be found here -> Just scroll down and you will find the reflective floors \;\) Have a happy simming!

mutskeMar 6, 2019

Haha No Sylvia, I didn't get the virus I just got a message that it might contain one. The other donwload link you send was fine. RL is just bussy at the moment but I didn't forget you LOL

mutskeMar 6, 2019

Hi Sylvia! Thanks for the nice message on my Wilmer Constructionset, I really appreciate it!

mutskeMar 5, 2019

Hi Sylvia I just sended you a privat message.

mutskeMar 5, 2019

Hi Sylvia, Thank you for the nice message on my guestbook! If you could send me a picture in pm I can have a look at it what you mean with vikingstyle \:D and yes I love making windows and such \:\)

mutskeDec 24, 2018

Hi Silvia Thanks you for your nice comment on my Banks constructionset. Offcourse you can use my windows, but only if you give them a link to my object here on TSR. I can't allow that my objects are uploaded elswhere. Merry Christmas!! \:D

XxSuperfreakxXJun 16, 2016

love this set so much the colors are so beautiful together maybe you an make them n teal next time thatd also be beautiful and I love the way you have the design set up very artistic cant wait to see what you make next (; \:\)

piperagainMay 7, 2016

thank you, also I hope that you are having a wonderful weekend. Hugs!\:\)

Helthor2468May 4, 2016

Hi. I've just downloaded your Mulan bedroom. You are very talented and the bedroom is beautiful, so I hope that we get to see a lot more of your work. ❤

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