synchronaesthesia (1570421)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (1 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Ancient Key Pattern
Published Apr 28, 2011
About Me
I'm delighted that you stopped by.
Might I intrude upon your moment to pass a thought or two? Perhaps fifty?
It's been said that style is nothing but nothing is without style. Oh but a place that has nothing in it waits for the treasured thing. A place that has too much stuff in it has wronged its owner two ways, first, the stuff is expensive perhaps more-so in the long run than the treasure, then it's cluttered and it collects dust and in a swivet becomes expendable. I see an empty space and I think, whomever claims this space has patience
to wait for their treasure. It is a blank canvas which the owner of the space works on every day in their head and one day it will be the space for that which is worthy of it. That, in my opinion, is the style of perseverance.
I'm Synchronaesthesia. Pleased to meet you. I hope you'll take a moment and mark your visit to me and sign my guest book.
So what is Synchronaesthesia?
As plainly put as possible, it means the ability to perceive things that happen simultaneously. Sort of like when you have the overwhelming urge to melt butter for no reason and find out ten seconds later that your neighbor made popcorn and doesn't have butter for it. Or, say, when you and a friend are talking about something and perhaps a second or two passes and you hear the same subject on TV or the radio. Strangely timed coincidences and the ability to put two and two together. You can call me Sync or Elizabeth, whichever suits you.
I haven't too much of a collection right now but I'm working on that. I've been designing things for years in other virtual circles and I've only recently begun to convert these things to the Sims format. I used to create for CAD home design and private owners of virtual worlds that shall remain nameless. So now, I'm shifting focus and recreating some of those things for the Sims 3. More than recreating I'm creating new things which will become available here as time progresses.
If you've read this far, I consider you a friend already. Why not leave me a note?
It's a small universe and time doesn't really exist until you get to an object that's fairly
large or exceptionally dense. What's outside of the universe? I don't know but I have a feeling it's very imaginative as I suspect, you are as well.
My Guestbook Show All
wondymoonAug 03, 2012
Hi, thank you very much for your comment. Have a great weekend!
wolfspryteAug 21, 2011
Hello!! I was visiting Murf and saw your avatar... had to check you out! The pattern you have up is lovely and I can not wait to see what's next!! As did Murf.. I read your entire profile... very interesting!! Anyway... welcome to TSR and am looking forward to more from you!! (HI Murf! )
murfeelMay 04, 2011
I am SO glad to be the first to sign your GB and welcome you to TSR, my fellow alchemist at heart! (btw: I just LOVE your avatars! Heart be still; so Steampunk! Thanks for liking mine--I'm obssessed with peacocks; I have peacock feathers all over my house that I get at the arts & craft store for 50 cents a feather, and once I tried to steal a peacock from the zoo, but the crazy bird wouldn't cooperate! LMAO In many Asian countries the peacock is the inspiration for the immortal phoenix, so you were right about what you said! In China there's the Feng Huang and the Vermilion Bird of the South, in Japan there's the Hou-ou (I made a wall mural of one for my Kill Bill lot, and if you look at it the resemblance is uncanny) ). Anyways, I read your comments and couldn't help just brimming with happiness to have found a kindred spirit!! Thank you for Bookmarking me! I am VERY excited about what you will create next, and I Bookmarked you as well! And your profile was incredible; I read the entire thing and got chills. You are very spiritual. And really...the things that inspire me shock a lot of people. I live in a fantasy land full of fairies, dragonslaying pagans and samurai-fighting ninja mystics; light a candle for my dwindling grip on reality, please. I just feel it's better for me to retreat from this world and enter my own private SPACE, you know? It all started when I was in the first grade and simultaneously started watching anime before school and reading books on mythology while in school, when I was supposed to be working; I've been jaded ever since--the contemporary realm holds nothing for me, and all I want is to be wisked away to a land of enchantment...instead, I found Sunset Valley! lol Close enough, I guess! LMAO It's a good medium for me to express a little bit of what I feel inside, to the best of my limited ability, I suppose. But thanks for understanding me! (Few do. ) I'll be seeing you around!