tateee (2735698)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (1 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Megan Fox
Published Feb 28, 2011
About Me
Ok, ok, the first thing that you have to know about me: I still learning english! Sooo, be nice to me ok?! And I'm from Brazil,ii have a fiance that i absolutely and trully love, and that supports me in everything that I do. Im vegetarian (nham nham ), crazy about books (I just cant stop reading NEVER) and Im terrible to talk about myself!
In Brazil we don't have cool tv-series, just teledramas, so I have to say that on of my addictions is this kinda off stuff. I love Grey's Anatomy (makes me cry like a baby) and Im a GossipGirl victim! And my OC box collection is complete... Hey what the problem? If you only have telenovelas to wacth you will be just like me!, so dont give this critical-look, ok? Im really like fashion trends, but Im not a fashion victimn girl at all. I'm trying to buy a professional camera to do some jobs like photographer, and I m about to became a hairstylist student!
Hmm, I begin to learn english by reading some tutorials for photoshop, I like to learn things all by myself, whithout help and it makes me feel really great about my on QI.
Well, this is a little about myself, problably I made some confusion with gramatics, but its happens. I hope that you can understand me a little bit, and like my work.
xoxo Tate
My Guestbook Show All
ManGa_Ka92Mar 12, 2011
heey thank you so much for your lovely comment take care :wub
murfeelMar 12, 2011
Thanks for liking Gaara! I love him the best on Naruto
LilyOfTheValleyMar 12, 2011
Hello Tateee Welcome to TSR! Thank you for your comment on my tree decal and shelves set. I'm very glad you like it. I too wish to have this set in real life