teo_evy (2294682)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (8 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

John Lennon stencilled Tee+shorts
Published Aug 7, 2009
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irene_busyAug 11, 2009
Eu sunt din Suceava , de acum in clasa 12 . Tu ce an de facultate esti ?
irene_busyAug 10, 2009
Hello! Merge bine, lucrez la un nou set, sper ca il voi termina pana miercuri . By the way form where are you? I mean city . Have a great week , Irene
clackiAug 07, 2009
Thanks for your reply and for looking me up. I look forward to seeing more great stuff from you.