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Useful stuff 2-Clothing tut 1 pt2

Here's long awaited second part of clothing tutorial.I decided to write a third part about photoskinning since this time i'll use even more pics. we go. any search engine you fancy.I love google.And enter fabrics textures,textures of fabrics or something like this and use images search

2.then,pick ones you fancy and save them to your pc

3.Go to bodyshop.
Objects/New Project/Clothing
For this tutorial i'll use another basegame outfit but you can use any other

6.Again,use name that will give you info about your creation.Its useful when you're going to upload your creations.Lets name it clothingtut2

7.Go to My Documents/EA Games/The Sims 2/Projects/Clothingtut2 (if you named differently,use the name you've picked).
We'll need the texture file

8.Now,open all the files you'll need to create outfit
(now you may skip to 11th step if you arent going to create semi-trasnperent overlay of original outfit)
and click on brush tool.Make sure the foreground colour is white and brush is in color mode.We're doing this to make sure that outfit we're modifying will be in shades one colour

9.Now,via lasso tool select the top of the outfit,it may take some time thought.Aftr you've done,click on image/adjustments/brightness / contrast

10.set the brightness 91 and contast 17.
You should get all of the outfit (except shoes in white now).Now,its time to paste texture to overlay.Mine didnt fit so i wont show you a picture example,but if you'll find one,click on select/all.
Then go back to texture and click edite/paste.Resize texture if you need by move tool (turn transfrorm controls on).Then click on window/layers.Set the opasity of your texture to like 40-50 %.It matters of texture what opasity to choose.

11.Now,here's the next step for ones that find texture not good enought to overlay.Paste your texture on outfit's texture and resize if you need it by move tool (turn transfrorm controls on)

you should get something like that

12.Now,lets make sure the whole shirt is covered by our texture.Click on clone stamp tool.Now,pick from hwre it should clone texture by clicking shift+alt buttoms.I suggest to pick are right above the area that mist be filled with texture

13.I didnt do it well,but since i did it only to show what to do..XD Anyway,refresh outfit in bodyshop

Not looking good? Its because we need to apply shading and add details.Dont worry,I'll show you everything ;)

14.Search online at images search for stuff that shirt must have-like buttons,belts,zips and stuff and add them to your texture.Save when you're done but dont close the texture file-we'll use the possibilities of layers in this tutorial

Looks better but still needs shading,righty?So..lets apply it!

15.Now,click on layer that is your texture.Set the foreground colour dark grey or black.Pick smooth brush (triangle to the right from thumbnail of brush/simple brushes/ smooth brushes begin from the middle of the list).Set it's size about 60 or less pixels and set opasity to 20 %.

16.Now,paint shade by brush where you feel they need to be-there should be 2-3
at the back,add shadow at every side of sleeves and paint a bit at front.Save outfit and refresh in bodyshop

Looks way better,right?Now,select the background layer and paste the jeans texture

17.You may either resize it or use delete the texture from areas it shouldnt be (like shoes).Plus,it makes the texture look neater ;)

Refresh outfit in boyshop.If you feel that jeans need shading-apply it.If you dont like it,via history window you may delete the shading =).Also,sometimes its good to play with brightness/contast.

18.Open alpha file.It isnt seen much with original version of outfit,but if you arent neat with texture you'll see
semi-transperent version of your texture near the neack of sim.Eww,right?
So thats why we've opened it ;)

See this grey area on the front of shirt?Paint it in black and save.Refresh outfit in bodyshop

So,another part of tutorial got completed ;)
*shoes were changed while making the tutorial via brightness and contast.I suggest to look for sneakers pics and paste one.Looks great ;) ) 

More tutorials are hopefully coming soon

Another update

Ok,so things turn out quite bad recently-

  1. making accessories isnt totally "mine" are of creating
  2. i HAVE TO transfer like 21 GB of data that i have on my pcall not counting game files and program ASAP to get new pc.(So i must trasnafer data tomorrow/the day after tomorrow)

Which leads that i'll only upload:

  • gothic clothing set (tomorrow)

  • Zazie's simself(day after tomorrow,actually tomorrow but i'll SUBMIT it on the day after tomorrow ;) )

  • my cat's simself? :D (the day after after tomorrow :D)

I dunno when i'll get new pc but i know that i have to get ready for those final school exams..

When i'll give my pc to seller i wont be able to play sims...which leads to no creating at all =(

So i dont know when i'll be able to say for sure that i'll keep uploadin stuff frequenty..yet I'll try to keep creating!


I've found an alpha-editable mesh at stuff for sims 2 ( )

and i already created 1 recolour =)

when i'll make enought recolours for a set of necklaces i'll upload them ;)

i hate 2 things about mesh thought-since its alpha editable it is really FLAT and i dont like the way necklace looks at it's back:

anyways,it still looks great in pictures so it will be useful for CC creators..hopefully ;)

Just a random thanks post

Wow my creations got the same thousands of downloads as their quantity and whats interesting,the number of today's pageviews is identical with number of bookmarks :) AND I've got a 8,178 thanks!I feel so loved <3 Without your amazing support i would think that noone needs my creations but i'm glad so many people like them :)

Currently i'm trying to create new clothing in bodyshop and i'll try to upload second part of of tutorial this evening

Another meshes set is coming up

Another meshes set is coming up!Sneak-peak:

And btw it wont require apartment life!Every single object was cloned off from base game statue ;)

Can anyone help me with posebox plz? =)

Ok,so this was the 3rd in total posebox i've made and as 2nd one there are some majour glitches.I've made screenshots of poses in game and milkshape.Some of them are quite identical while others not..Is it caused by BHAV or incorrect position of pose on those 3 coordinates thingy? are pics:

I wouldnt ask for help if i would focus on clothing only but i stil hope that i'll learn meshing and creating poseboxes one day so plz if you know how to help help me please =)

Yet a few sets are coming up.. xD

We all know that i'm transfering files but because of my lazyness i decided to make one or few more sets till weekend.

Sneak-peak on one of them:

Since i almost deleted my downloads folder set is looking quite maxis-matchy xD

anyway..OMG I must upload those clutches you know what 2 sets i'm going to upload soon ;)

Taking a little break =(

Hey guys!I have some stuff to tell you...Today I'm moving all data from my pc to extarnal hard drive so i can give it back to seller.On one hand,i wont be able to create stuff till i'll get another pc-there are 2 other working PCs in my family but i cant install sims on my father's pc and my sister's one is overloaded with stupid games so it hadly handles sims 2.We also have a broken Celeron notebook and ancient Pentium 2

But on the other hand,I'm fed up of constant "freezing" of pc itself,not programs it's running every 5 minutes and guess what?When I tried to play sims this sunday i was kept getting that blue loading screen of the gameeverytime i moved camera a bit

So can find positive stuff in everything ;)

As of community part..I'll try to sign in every day via my father's pc but i wont be online at evening and night thought but I'll sure to comment in your guestbooks,reply to pm and comment on screenies and creations

 The weather here is too cold!Recently it was like -35 for like a week,now its -21 but after staying at street for 45 minutes because i was waiting for the bus i froze my legs,arms and face!Guess its because of huuuuuuuuuuuge humidity of the air-every day of the year its about 90-99 %

~I hope at least you'll enjoy simming while i'll not be able to play~


I always loved to create stuff like purses but I was never lucky in finding textures and i didnt know how to create custom thumbnails..But now I do :D and I have great texture to work on ;)
 Yet i'll clean up my pc this saturday completely to give it back to seller...I'll try to submit several sets before i'll start thought
And here's a sneak-peak on purses ;)

it will have this thumbnail in game:(I've already tested,it WORKS :D)

Currently i'm working on some colour variations ;)

Some updates

The thing that gets me annoyed lately is my PC

you may see by yoursef how badly it behaves sometimes:

but glitches like that are rare,mostly it freezes by itself,not programs it is running and if like a week ago it was getting normal like in 3 minutes,now it takes up to 10 minutes and more and more frequently i simply have to reboot it and get 4 BIOS beeps (damaged or uncorrectly installed RAM-operative memory)

Anyway,some more sets coming up and i'm working on my site..Otherwise i would already post new stuff,you know me ;) I love to post stuff ASAP :D *crossed fingers of giving back pc this sunday*


Latest Headlines

Useful stuff 2-Clothing tut 1 pt2 Another update Necklaces! Just a random thanks post Another meshes set is coming up Can anyone help me with posebox... Yet a few sets are coming up.. xD Taking a little break =( PURSES :D Some updates
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