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theangeliquemonte's Guestbook

Carina_BthAug 17, 2013

Hi! I want to ask you, what body package/hack or I don't know what exists to get rid of the sharp edges of the shoulders, hands (in special) and other parts. Thank you in advance!\:wub\:

Cassidy simsMay 23, 2013

I really like your design and I want to ask you if you turn started to form in TS2.\:\) i´m sorry my bad english

luckyoyoMar 13, 2012

Hi, Thank you for taking my Poll,     I wish you a wonderful Tuesday. \:\)  

PralinesimsApr 24, 2011

\:rah\: Happy Easter! \:rah\:  

ByzantineGirlApr 20, 2011

Hi again Ksenia! \:\) Poor me!   If I am now a Pisces I’m in trouble because my Moon is in Pisces - emotional, creative (not too bad) and an addictive personality. \:\( My Venus is in Gemini (very fickle in love) and all my other planets are spread through various other signs just to stuff me up even more!   I’m sorry that you’re birthday wasn’t as great as it should have been, but I hope that you and your BFF have a fantastic weekend. \:P Take care, Steph x \:D

ByzantineGirlApr 18, 2011

Hi Ksenia!  OMG - you poor thing, you've really been ill. \:\( I have alot of headaches but to suffer like you would drive me mad!  Is there anything that they can do or have you done all the tests you can?  I've decided to take money out of the mortgage and get another computer so I can have this one and rejoin Simworld!! \:\) So you had a birthday too (Happy Birthday! \:P ) - mine was on the ninth and guess what - I was sick for it. \:\( Knew it, it's been a crap year so I thought when I got sick that it would last into my birthday and yes it did.  I hope you had fun, did you know that they're saying that there should be a 13th astrological sign so that means that you and I are actually Pisceans!!  Funny thing is, I never really felt like a typical Aries, but maybe I think that because of what I now know!! \:P I really hope that you are feeling better and that our year gets better.  Take care, Steph xo \:wub\: \:D  

Lulu265Apr 17, 2011

Hello Ksenia.. thanks so much for your comment on my apartments.. glad you could use them.. Hope you are well \:\)

sara_ashleyApr 1, 2011

Hiiiii sweetie Ksenia;I am the one who wish your birthday on TSR so I wish you a wonderful HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!!!!!!!! So HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU my friend \:wub\: \:wub\: \:D \:D and I hope that you will have presents on this special day!!!! How are you??? And I check out your site and it is a very nice site \;\) \:\) anyway I hope that to talk to you soon, and wish you a wonderful weekend as well \;\) \:D !!! Thinking of you as well, takes care and sending many hugs and especially a big hug on this day which is your birthday!!!!! !!! Your friend, Sara \:wub\:

ByzantineGirlMar 28, 2011

Hi Ksenia!!!   Long time no *talk*!   Sorry to say that my c omputer c annot be fixed and I had no warranty so no c omputer. \:\( However I a ctually bought (from a shop, not from e bay) a Sims 3 game so I’m on my way.   I’m thinking of getting some money and getting a better computer for my husband and daughter and then I can have this one and download all my Sims 2 and 3 on it, start doing the downloads all over again (aghhhhh!!!!) and I’m back on track. \:\)  I don’t know if I told you but I’m going to be a grandmother (a young one mind you!) so that freaked me out a bit, my son is going to be a father. \:eek\: Anyway I want to know what’s been happening with you.   What’s this about you being in hospital and are you okay now? \:\( And you’ve closed your TSR bit down, but now have your own site....... tell me more!!!!  I miss being on TSR,  especially seeing all the new creations and of course playing the game as it's the only PC game I play.  At least if I end up with this computer, I know I'll have heaps of room for everything.  Thing is I'll feel guilty 'cos we've got so much to do to the house at the moment but after all this time I think I deserve a game or two!! Take care, Steph x \:D

sara_ashleyMar 26, 2011

Hiii Ksenia \:wub\:, thanks for your very nice entry on my guestbook \:\) !!! i'm really glad to see that you make your own site and i would like to know if it can be possible when is your birthday ? and like that i will not forgive you on your birthday \;\) \:wub\: !!! and i am really glad that your heart will be ok and i hope to talk you soon too !!! and also I just wanted to call by to wish you a very lovely weekend !! thinking of you as well, and sending you a lots of hugs,your friend Sara \:wub\:

sara_ashleyMar 24, 2011

Hiiii Ksenia \:wub\: \:wub\:!!!! Long time i don't sign your guestbook so i hope that everything is ok for you ???!! and guess what lol !!!! I'm back lol because I didn't had internet for a long time lol !!!! I miss ya so much \:\( but now I'm here \;\) \;\) so I am really glad that your heart is ok and don't be so nervous just relax yourself \:\) and are you feeling better now ?? by the way this is a great idea to create your own site and i hope that you will give the link too \:\) !!!! also I wish you to enjoy the rest of the week !!! I hope that Talking to you soon and take care!!! many many hugs and thinking of you as well \:wub\: \:wub\: your friend, Sara \:wub\:

irene_busyMar 19, 2011

Hi Ksenia! Indeed, ages passed since we talked. I'm sad to hear that you were in hospital, hope you're better now \:\). Great news about making your own website \:rah\: , well, you can always change it and when you think it's perfect you can open it \:\). I started doing my own website as well, but I stopped due to my exams and the begining of the semester. I don't have any Internets problems at the moment, but I do I have a lot to study and kind of negled my sims in favour of going out. But now I'm determined to come back \:D. I'm expecting to see some new creations from you aswell, you're a really talented creator \:wub\:. I missed you too \:\). Have a great weekend and All the best. Hugs, Irene

topaz27Feb 27, 2011

Hi Ksenia, It was so lovely to hear from you, I do hope everything is going well for you \:wub\: hope you had a nice weekend and wishing you a really good week ahead too  \:\) lots and lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:

irene_busyFeb 27, 2011

Hi Ksenia \:wub\:! Long time no talk \:D. I finished my finals and started the second semester. University is great \:\). How are you? I'll take a look at your creations after finishing this message \:\). I had a week vacation before the start of my second semester, but I didn't have Internet, cause I decided to change the company that provided it and the contract ended before the new company came to install it \:\(, so I missed chatting with all my friends here \:\). How did you visit to the doctor go? Are you feeling better? I'll be uploading some stuff soon \:D. Have a great weekend and week \:wub\:. I missed you \:\). Hugs, Irene \:\)

sara_ashleyFeb 3, 2011

Hey sweetie \:D !! how are you ? long time i don't sign your guestbook and i'm so sorry for your last reply but i had some problems with Internet and sometimes I had Internet sometimes not \:\( so that is why i don't give you some news of me \;\) !! i hope that everyting is good for you and yours exams are good \;\) \:D !! also i hope that your heart is fine too \;\) also thinking of you as well \:wub\: and sending you a lot of hugs my friend !!! take good care of you my friend \:\) !!!Sara

Lulu265Jan 31, 2011

Hi Ksenia.. thanks again for your comments. \:wub\:

ByzantineGirlJan 24, 2011

\:rah\: BTW – I love your new banner, it looks really cool!!! \:D

ByzantineGirlJan 24, 2011

Hi Ksenia, no unfortunately, I haven’t got my computer fixed yet – one reason being no money and the other being my husband won’t get off his lazy a**e and have a look at the crappy thing!!! \:\( I am definitely suffering from Sim withdrawal and it’s horrible.   I want to download so I can use the creations and play my game.   Aggggghhhh!!! Grrr, \:mad\: I’m so angry but there’s nothing I can do, so I’ll shut up!! ! \:P I’m going to take a look at what’s been made recently so I hope everything is okay with you and that you are keeping warm!   We’re okay down here but a heap of my relatives live in Queensland and have been affected by the floods.   They were terrible \:\( .   Take care, Steph \:D

Lulu265Jan 20, 2011

Hi Ksenia, thanks yet again for your kins comment on my cottage.. Keep well..  \:wub\:

mariabubuJan 19, 2011

Hi! Thanks for the info on the castaway conversions, i found them\:D. have a great day! \:\)

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