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thekidd's Guestbook

micamarianiOct 25, 2010

Hey, thank you very much for your lovely comment on my mommies collection. Have a great day!

haiduongOct 21, 2010

Are you sure about that? Did you go to the website where's located the required mesh??? If you did click on the link but still didn't find anything then I'll give you the steps to find it. Copy this link: , then you roll down until the end of the page - Click on "OLDER POSTS", it'll change to the next page and the hair set should be just in front of you \;\). I wish you good luck \:\) and if there is any problem, send me a guestbook message. \:\) Hai Duong

IllianaOct 17, 2010

Why hello there Kidd! I must say that I think I have read your comment on the Base Game Homes - Ranch Revival set about a zillion times...and I still get all warm and fuzzy! \:wub\: Sometimes someone comes along that makes you go, "I never thought about that!", and your comment did that for me. LOL! I am happy to learn that the houses were to your liking, and more importantly, that they help you enjoy your game without straining your pain receptors. Please enjoy the homes, and I do hope they enhance your game in some small way. \:D Love and hugs - Illiana

micamarianiOct 14, 2010

HEY YOU!!! Yes, now I'm here too ^^... Have a wonderful day! \:wub\:

*Bunny*Oct 2, 2010

Thank you for your comment re my Bridal Collection. Specific mesh links are provided for each individual gown as they are all different and I am only able to provide a single link for the set, therefore I linked to the main site (Pronupsims). So take a look at the individual items for links to the meshes. Hope this helps.

miraminkovaSep 28, 2010

Hi \:wub\: Thank you so much for your kind comment! Have a great week! \:wub\:

jsfSep 15, 2010

I'm back again to thank you for your nice comment on the Rope Swag Regals. I'm glad you like them \:\) judi

sosliliomSep 12, 2010

Hi\:\)Thanks for Your nice comment on my PeggyHairRecolours\:wub\: ~ Lili

haiduongSep 4, 2010

Hello! Thank you very much for your comment on my Oh So Shiny eyes set \:\) Have a nice day \;\).

jsfSep 1, 2010

Hi and welcome to TSR! Thank you for your nice comment on the cherry panels. I hope you'll be able to find others you like as well. Have fun decorating. judi

ayyuffAug 23, 2010

Many thank for your lovelycomment  on the 'Country Panel Set' ,much appreciated \:wub\:  Enjoy!

ziggy28Aug 22, 2010

\:D Hello!! Thank you for the lovely comments on my creations \:D Im glad that you like them \:D I hope you and your simmies enjoy using them \:D Happy simming \:rah\:

hiedibear75Aug 14, 2010

Yes StudioK did quite a bit of siding & a ton of others as well.  Kimberly is one of the FA's here.   I like to build for uploading MAXIS as often when I'm building I may be a bit loopy......funny you should mention disc disease. \;\)  An accident when I was 14 made a compression injury to my head neck & back, so I ended up with 1 vertabra in my neck that was "grossly dislocated" a ton of others dislocated from top to bottom with one break at L2. \:wacko\:  So I use Sims & building to keep my mind off my pain as well. \:D   I often have to take breaks where I'm up for a few hrs then go lay down for a building with MAXIS makes it so I don't loose a bunch of time I could be building waiting for the game to load with all the CC. \;\)  I use my CC when I feeling good enough to play for pleasure vs. pain diversion. \:D  Lots don't have to be all THAT big.....but yes a size or 2 bigger than without the attached garages.  My son is over for a visit but when he goes back home on Sunday I'll get to building some single story homes. \:D  Happy SIM-ing til then. \:cool\:

hiedibear75Aug 13, 2010

I love to use custom content CC for my own use but when it comes to building to upload I tend to stick with MAXIS.  #1 biggest reason is it is waaaay less you said sometimes when CC is used it doesn't show up properly in the downloaded house even if you've got the meshes & such.....but another reason is that it's a snap to stop & start my game. \:D  Personally I like to play where Sims eat & use the potty instead of just giving it to them. \;\)  Out of all the lots that I've made for TSR I think only a few were not 100% MAXIS. \;\)  When you say 1 you mean just no upstairs & downstairs or do you also mean no foundation/decks? \:confused\:   Some people like the look of attached garages while others dislike the oddly cut wall where the foundation attaches to the whole wall. \;\)  My favorite size homes for playing with tend to be 3 & 4 bedroom homes with 2-2&1/2 bathrooms so that Sims can have 2 or 3 kids and nobody having to do the potty dance when they all come home. \;\)  I have quite a few homes that you might fit that description.......but I'll get to working on more single story MAXIS homes. \:cool\:  It's nice to have someone who preffers homes/lots they download being made using only MAXIS. \:rah\:  Hope you & your hubby have a SIM-tastic time playing together. \:wub\:

hiedibear75Aug 12, 2010

I 2nd the welcome. \:cool\:  Thank you for taking the time to comment on my MAXIS lot 2071 Maluhia Way. \:rah\:  I'm so glad you like it. \:wub\:  I have a REALLY BAD bad back from an accident eons ago & I use building to keep my mind off the pain. \;\)  So if your tennis elbow is making it hard for you to build & there are some ideas of lots you'd like but have not bee done/built yet just ask & I or others will be more than happy to build......some of us live to swing that digital hammer. \:D  Take care & happy SIM-ing. \:cool\:

sosliliomAug 11, 2010

Welcome\:\)Thank You so much for Your comment\:wub\:I'm glad You like my creation\:\) ~ Lili

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