tine93 (572246)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (27 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Rohana Design Robe Pull
Published Jan 6, 2014
About Me
Bienvenus chez moi!
Yes, I'm french, so please be kind if I make mistakes or talk funny.
I'm making my own stuff since the Sims 1,but I never shared it before, it was too crappy... I've made some research, learned a lot and I think my technique is improving.
My Latest Updates Show All
In my kitchen...Written Jan 01, 2010
I wish I could have herbs in little pots, and an onion braid on the wall... I already created a cookbook, and a bottle, and some stuff is awaiting to be accepted : two new wall paintings for the kitchen. I'm still thinking about a clock, and some stuff to let my kitchen look a little messy (like my real one, I confess... :) ) ...More
Made in Japan...Written Dec 30, 2009
Nope, I'm no Deep Purple fan, but I like japanese art and culture. I read manga, watch O.A.V. on TV, and collect artbooks of Clamp or Miyazaki. For a long time, I slept in a futon bed, and on my walls I still have japanese paintings of cats, you know? Black and white stylized cats. I guess this will influence on my creations. I submitted a Maneki Neko, and a little Kokeshi Doll, and I'm... ...More
How I came here...Written Dec 29, 2009
I don't even remember the first time I got to TSR... I guess I must have downloaded a few creations for the Sims 2, but I really don't know which ones, and as I changed my computer since, it will for ever be a mystery. I stopped playing the Sims for a while, and started to play rather World of Warcraft, and, since I missed the creation, jumped into Second Life and it's relatively simple... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
kingheven10Jun 16, 2014
I can assure you that i didn't write that comment. But i felt like i had to apologize anyway. Haven't been in here for like 5 years! ago. p.s were not able to send it as a message
jomsimsDec 21, 2013
merci beaucoup .je vous souhaite mes meilleurs vœux ainsi que pour les vôtres. amicalement. jomsims.
ShinoKCRDec 18, 2013
Hi Tine! Ich freu mich sehr, dass Dir die Alobi Küche gefällt! Huggles Renate