tinkrbell86 (3187101)
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WeekyJul 01, 2011
Hi I'm glad you like my stuff and thank you for all beautifull words I hope that you will learn to create, because I see that you want . You will probably learn.
(Sorry If I made a mistake somewhere in the writing, because my English is not perfect.)
tinkrbell86Jun 29, 2011
dose it matter what version of Adobe photoshop i have? right now my problem is finding a dds plugin. I would love to get some help making my own stuff so when i get everything i need i will let you know thanks Heather K
fantasticSimsJun 29, 2011
Hi! Thanks for your wonderful comments! In order to create first and formost you need the TSR workshop. There are many free programs available to help you create. I often use paint.net because of its ease of use and many free plugins! Just take a look around TSR, many tutorials to help you out! Have a great day!