tiptippster (1050766)
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tiptippsterJul 19, 2009
I sent you a rather drawn-out private e-mail, but have discovered your fireplace & roof tutorials for which I wish to thank you again. Further, your patterns read beautifully in the game: many are interesting, but YIKES!
CyclonesueJul 13, 2009
Me AGAIN! I'm really glad you like "Blot On The Landscape". It really IS a big, ugly blot too - especially when placed in Sunset Valley amongst all those pretty homes. It looks like the sort of house kids don't want to walk past on their way home from school. So, you no doubt can see I'm still making utter rubbish and horrible things! Sue
CyclonesueFeb 18, 2008
hello tiptippster! A huge thank-you for the fabulous comments you've left for me. I really, REALLY appreciate them and thank you for downloading my rubbish! Happy Simming! Sue