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tuftylocks's Blog

More items on their way

I have made

  • A Lady Sim (not a celeb, I am still working on that one)
  • A child's Halloween T-Shirt (Winnie the Pooh)
  • And a little house called Tom Thumb Cottage. (Very small, as in the bed has to be placed in the sitting area. But it's all nicely decorated, and fully furnished.) One thing to note, after taking photos I realised I hadn't put the postbox or the trash can back..so you might have to move them a little closer to the house. Ooops, sorry about that.

More goodies coming soon

Ok, as well as Michael Scofield and the alien sim I have made a house over looking the sea. This is for a small family, with 2 bedrooms or a bedroom and an office. It over looks the sea, and has a pond in the back garden.


I have also made my twins again, I hope you all like them.  It's just a pity I can't put the trait Terrible Twos in there :P

2 New Sims coming soon

Michael Scofield has now been uploaded and should be on his way very soon, a bit later than I would of liked. My power supply in my computer blew, so no computer for me for a while..which didn't help when Scofield was sat there waiting to be put on TSR.

Not sure why it blew, we put it down to my 2 little ones getting access to my computer when I was busy helping our eldest chid. Don't think my machine liked being switched on and off half a billion times...ahh the joy of twins.


Oh and I have also made an alien, I have no idea why...it just happened. It is based on the Greys, but with no slider hack it is a bit hard to get the slanted eyes all the way to the side of his/her/its head. Please forgive the clothes on this one, I was little stuck when it came to PJ's and swimwear. I have never seen an alien, let alone know what it wears for a dip in the pool or snooze time. :D

Another Sim made by hubby and I

Ok, so we took our Michael Scofield and we both tweeked him and messed with his features (why does that sound so rude in my head) And we have actually made him a little better, where he looks ok in game.

His clothes are different for a start, and his facial features are a little better. So if anyone wants him, I am going to upload Michael Scofield number 2 tomorrow. (hubby has the photos on his computer)

There is a house on its way (for Sims 3) and I am going to start my Twin Sims again. May be a little easier now I have some photos printed out, as they were all on laptop before.


So...bit quiet round here..

I haven't made any items in a bit, with the Summer Hols being here I have been rather busy. I am looking to make some more clothes and a couple of houses which I will putting on TSR on Sunday. If the weather stays nice, I may be off to Gullivers world on Saturday (early Birthday treat for my eldest) so won't be able to do any Sims goodies then.

I have loads of ideas for "Sims", but can't be done without the sliders hack..not keen on downloading that yet. I should have (if all things go well), a special house coming up too.


I'll keep you updated on what is coming and when.


They will be here...promise

You know those clothes I made for Sims 2 and those special Sims of mine, well....

I did put them on TSR, and I uploaded them and waited and waited for them to get approved. I started to get rather frustrated as I really wanted to see what you all thought of them. I have just checked up on my items and realised...erm...I didn't click submit.


Hahaha,....What a stuuupid moo I am. :D


So, they will be here ....soon

Some special Sims 3 Sims coming very soon

I have put off doing my twins, after the crash I had. But...I have made 2 special Sims.


I didn't actually plan to put them on TSR, it was just something I was doing for my own game play. But thought why not, someone out there might like them. As you can see I'm not giving too much away, just that I will be uploading them very soon.

Keep your eyes peeled {:o)

4 More items on their way soon

Hey, I have 4 uploads -4 sets of clothing. They should all be with you very soon.

1 Teen top
1 goth/punk girls dress
1 Torchwood T-Shirt
1 Boys Toddler Outfit


I have decided to put a photo on here of the dress I made, I hope you like it :D

Erm those Sims I was making....

I started making my twin Sims and things were looking perfect, I went to click on save Sims. That is when the fun things started to happen, my computer lagged big time (I still have no idea why, as this has never happened before) I waited and waited..."ah their is my cursor back again, quick click on it" my screen went to windows and my game crashed. ***Please insert expletives here***
Wasn't too happy, as you can imagine..but I am not giving up on this and will make them.......again.


*deep breath*

Anyway, I have made something for you. One children's dress, which I am really happy with as it took some time to do, think punk black/gold/skulls with matching pumps. The other thing is a teen halter neck pink and black top.
I am hoping to make this evening some more tops, on the books is a Dr Who T-Shirt, Torchwood T-Shirt or 2, and a maybe a toddler outfit (I have an idea in mind, but not sure if it will work)

Coming soon here at Tuftylocks corner on TSR

Here is what we have so far, to put on TSR...(Im a poet and I didn't know it :P)


Prison break T-Shirt for a young adult -This isn't the normal one with Prison Break written on it..this says Psycho Ward Inmate. After I made it, I thought, hang on they call it Psych ward...oh well.

A Sam and Dean Top for an adult, I really wasn't happy with the last one I made. This is the more cartoon version of them, bit like the Buffy T-Shirt.

Hello Kitty punk outfit for a child, I keep looking at this and changing it. I like it ..then I don't. I will see what you guys think of it.

My next venture was a request to make a real mismatch punky outfit...and it's exactly that!

*All outfits are for Sims 2


Latest Headlines

More items on their way More goodies coming soon 2 New Sims coming soon Another Sim made by hubby and I So...bit quiet round here.. They will be here...promise Some special Sims 3 Sims coming... 4 More items on their way soon Erm those Sims I was making.... Coming soon here at Tuftylocks...
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