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tuftylocks's Blog

Some punky goodies coming soon.

I have more goodies on their way soon


At this moment I am working on a mans punky T-Shirt (I know, I don't usually make mens clothing...not sure why) I have a design of a house I want to try out and there are some meshes which I have downloaded from TSR, so looking to make some outfits from those.

Haven't worked on a lot today, as I have been sooo tired (my twins have been poorly and had me up most nights this week) But...I am looking to do some tomorrow and upload them by tomorrow night.

May be I should put up a poll, then I can ask you what Tops you love most. Girly, punk, goth, funny...... If anyone reading this would love to see more of a certain top for a certain age, gender PM me and I can see what I can do.

I am thinking of making more Sims for Sims 3, I would love to make famous people to be honest. It is a bit easier with this sliders mod that someone has brought out, but that means all the people who download the Sim will have to also download the mod..and you may not want to put something like that on your machine. Any thoughts on this, please leave a comment...or drop me a pm. :)

I have done it people

I have uploaded my house, the punk young girl, a rather geeky sim, and my version of Michael Scofield from Prison Break. Before those Wentworth Miller fans eeeek with excitement (yes I can hear you) please bear in mind this is the first time I have done a celeb Sim, so you may...or may not like him. With a bit of luck the lovely people at TSR will make all of the above available soon.



Ahh Paintshop Pro!!

I have today made a little girl sim, with a very punky theme. And a cottage style house which changed more times that I can think of. It started off with a white picket style fence country cottage theme with white doors/ windows,the finished house looks totally different.

As I take screenshots of my clothes/Sims and houses, I won't be putting the above on TSR until tomorrow. My computer crashed in the middle of using Paintshop Pro, and now it wont start up. I do have an older version on disk, but can't get hold of it until tomorrow afternoon.

So....until then :)

More clothing to come

I have just added (still pending so far) some more goodies for you.


  • Child's ducky swimming costume
  • Adult's yellow T-Shirt with a gun/butterfly image
  • Hippy Teen outfit-Jeans and top(I'm so pleased how this has turned out)



Made my first Sim for TSR-Sims 3

Not usually the one to put normal Sims on TSR, but I thought why not upload Emma. I have just submitted her, so she should be available to download in a couple of days.

I'm trying my hardest to make the cast of Prison Break, which is proving to be more difficult than its worth. Michael Schofield looks great in CAS, but in game he just doesn't look the same. Bagwell, is just plain wrong (Sim wise) he is either too fresh faced..or has too many lines on his face. Oh well...I'm bound to get it right some day :)

2 Items Pending

It's been so long since I have uploaded an item, I just hope I have done it right. (lack of sleep doesn't help, but thats what having twins does to you :) )


Ok we have 2 new tops on their way, children's T-Shirts to be exact. One punk style with a skull logo, and the other a nomadic style top with a flower pattern.

Sims 2 -bring it on!

I am going to be installing Sims 2 on this new machine plus all expansion packs, which is great as this weekend I can start making more Sims 2 goodies. (Hey I should be painting, but that can wait a little longer-I mean my kitchen is not going anywhere! )

Good news and Bad News



Good new is, I now have a new PC so making Sims things will be so much easier.

Bad news is, I have just purchased Sims 3 so I'm a little busy playing the game at the mo...sorry *cheesy grin*


I may have a go at making Sims 3 things, but for those who have Sims 2 I will be making more clothes soon. I have a few ideas in mind, like t-shirts from the TV series Prison Break (just got into the series and Im addicted...can't believe they cancelled it!)

Aha might have sorted the problem...I think

I borrowed hubbys mouse mat (the special one he uses for gaming) and that seems to work for my optical mouse. So I think that could be the problem, heres hoping  I just need one of those mats (with the rougher surface) At the moment I either use the dining table with my naff mouse mat or my laptop table without a mat if Im watching a movie or something.

If this does sort it, I have a fair few good ideas for my childrens clothes. I also promised my daughter I would make her a mario T-Shirt for her Sim. (she loves Super mario Kart, and is so much better than me)
I also thought a few summer tops for ladies would be great, as our UK weather is perking up a little (may be Im speaking too soon on that one) :)

Been away for so long and come back with a rant

Had this new laptop for a while (after my Dell didn't want to work for any more-my dad now has the thing and its working fine...typical) The touchpad on here is rubbish, everytime I try and play on the Sims  my cursor freezes. Even after pressing all the right keys it wont work again..which means restarting. Its even worse when I try and make clothes for the Sims, so I have had to give up for a while. Which is a shame, as I loved designing and making all of the items..and loved it even more when all of you downloaded them.

I have tried using a mouse, but for some reason it still lags to hell. It is soooo annoying!! Come back my Dell....all is forgiven. Really would love a new laptop, especially one that can play Sims 3...now where is that lottery ticket.

Latest Headlines

Some punky goodies coming soon. I have done it people Ahh Paintshop Pro!! More clothing to come Made my first Sim for TSR-Sims 3 2 Items Pending Sims 2 -bring it on! Good news and Bad News Aha might have sorted the... Been away for so long and come...
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