unwrittensonata (1534243)
About Me
Hooray! I'm fun!
I'm an undergrad, in my third year of school... not technically a junior because I lost some credits transferring over to this school I'm at now... but I'm studying English. Not as in I'm learning how to speak the language; I am quite fluent, but rather I'm learning how to write and edit... because that's what I want to do with my life. Either that or I'm going to get into the nursing program or medical billing program within the next few years or so. Don't know yet.
I have played the flute for the past 11 years. I'm somewhat awesome. I rather enjoy band, and most of my friends are what people call "band geeks," I myself being one of the band geeks.
I like the color purple. Love it.
I like games. A lot. I have tons of them on my computer. And not just cheesy ones from 1992 (oh believe me I have those too) but I have World of Warcraft (Burning Crusade), Warcraft III, The Elder Scrolls, Fable, Neverwinter Nights, etc. And I usually never know what to play. I also have StepMania on my computer and I'm rather fantastic at that, although not quite as good as my fiancé.
I have a dog, a miniature schnauzer named Fritz. My fiancé has three miniature pinschers named Barry, Missy and Coco. They're friggin babies. We also have a chinchilla named Max and many many fish... and a couple of frogs. w00t.
Aussi, je parle francais. Ma mere et canadienne et ma famille est francais, donc, je parle.
The End!