versDESIGN (5787299)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (2 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Sydney Origami House
Published Mar 1, 2014
About Me
versDESIGN is a Sims 3 design studio producing modern content. This is an idea I have had for a while and I've decided to attempt it! I am not new to the Sims 3 but I am new to many online communities. i'm looking to recruit other like-minded, active members of the community to help produce premium content such as lots, households, custom content via TSR Workshop, among others. Design studio tasks would include frequent collaborations on various projects including house builds, world builds, and custom content. I have yet to work out further details. If there is any interest in the community to collaborate on an organized level to make premium content, we can work out the details.
Over the new few weeks, I will be uploading much content and building my "Sims 3 portfolio". I'm looking forward to hearing from members of the community!