vexed_jello (1706373)
About Me
What can one say about oneself? Only the bare facts, nothing that could be an opinion because one could be leading another astray, but because I do not want to necessarily post that I will only say this: I enjoy the sims 2, and I wish I was good at creating custom content.
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I See, and I wishWritten Jul 10, 2010
Oh, don't I sound like I just want everything? Just read the subject.. But that is actually aimed specifically at creating custom content and editing pics. I look at these creations and I just think 'shit! I will never be able to do that'. I won't. I don't understand how and I don't understand tutorials. Maybe I should search again to find a simple one, but then maybe I should do a lot of... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
merisimsJul 30, 2010
Hello =) Thanks for your comment on my design.Have a nice day!
irene_busyJul 08, 2010
Hi! Welcome to TRS ! I wish you a wonderful time here and lots of downloads . Thank you for commenting on my creations . Enjoy and Happy simming