vmceldrew (1633500)
About Me
HEy im Victoria, but you can call me Vikki, I like it better! Anyways about me im 14 im a sopomore, i was born in Bethezda Maryland. My dad is in the navy so we move alot. I'm a drama 2 yup i LOVE drama! Tis so fun! I write stories and if you dont like them stick it up your ass!...lol anyways i have 2 dogs and a bird and some fishies. My favorite movie is pirates of the caribbean and if you dont like that movie go to hell....j/k! anyways my favorite actor is Mr. Johnny Depp. I love him to pieces! umm If you cant tell im a very strong oppiniated person. I have two sisters who are older. My bestiest friend is JEssica. MY fav color is black! hahah my mom says thats not a color...lol anyways thats more then enough about me that you needed to know about me. so peace out.
My Guestbook Show All
gummypeachesSep 21, 2007
Hi! Thanks for commenting on my story The Unexpected II (from back in June) sorry it took so long to reply, I didn't notice that people were still reading! I'm glad you enjoyed reading it, and I will tell you if I decided to do another story (I've been thinking about it for a while but never got around to actually doing one.) Anyways, I got triplets using the triplets and quads hack by twojeffs over ehre: http://box156.bluehost.com/~aestudi1/forums/inteenimater/viewforum.php?f=26&sid=fa9c84bcbc7c28facda22b253a84a703
TellMeSomethingNewJul 27, 2007
Hey there. Thanks for commenting my guestbook. I went to read the story straight after I read it. I am so glad that she forgave her hubby. I reall appreciated you letting me know that it was up. Let me know when the next one is ready. Bye for now!!*-Dannii-*
S.CainsJul 13, 2007
Hi! The next part of Rich Girls is out now, I would appreciate your views. Thanks