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weirdfaerie's Guestbook

LaurieRJan 10, 2007

If you go to my page and view all my screenshots you can see what a skunk will do when they try to pet it!\;\) I couldn't resist forcing some poor sim a little. Ok, a lot! Poor thing. He wasn't too happy with me. If you look.. I hope you enjoy them! \:D

gokusanxnJan 10, 2007

..yeah..T_T dollfies are so expensive T_T .. i hope i'll buy one , one day XD >_>

NanamouskouryJan 10, 2007

I love cats too \:wub\: They are so lovable! My cat is the tranquil type, and always been. She is not the type you can play with making shadows on the wall or a flashlight on the floor. She does have her moments with a little toy mouse, which seems to walk around my house sometimes \:P She is the type of cat that will seat on your laps while you watch a movie, or sit on my desk between my face and my computer screen when I play the sims :P

NanamouskouryJan 10, 2007

I don't really use a name for my cat, I call her my baby or my kitty. I got her when I was 15, which is almost 10 years ago now. Back then, I did give her a name, which was Buffy, because the serie was still in its first season, and I watched every single episode. I stop watching it after the next year, so I didn't care for that name anymore... But I don't think she cares :P

Miyu-TenshiJan 10, 2007

Oh, thank so much weirdfaerie!! I love the things you have here and thanks for signing my guest book!!\:\) Have a great day!! And happy simming too!!!\:P \:D \:\)

MoMamaJan 10, 2007

Thanks for such a nice comment on my NK PI Smoke Alarms. So glad you are happy with them! There are also matching burglar alarms if you feel like getting some double protection! \:D \:D

solfalJan 10, 2007

Thank you so much for your nice comment\:D . Happy new Year!

manuela55Jan 10, 2007

hay o today i hawe a bad day\:\( i was in social for discussion i don't now how you say this it was bad\:mad\: \:mad\: i was so mad on my boyfrien he is not god to me but it is ok now he is in the work .i wish you a beautyful and successful day today to enjoy life with big spoon day by day for me to \:D \:D \:D \:D \:D \:D \:D \:D \:D \:D \:D \:D \:D \:D \:D \:D

Sergeykins332Jan 10, 2007

Hello Tifa, i was looking forward to your reply and im glad it was a long one =D Yes the name Tiffa is from FF 7, the one thats so good they decided to remake for the ps3! Go sephiroth! Anyways, you pretty much like the same music i do, and powerful and haunting are the perfect words to describe All About Us, never thought of them but theyre about right. Maplestory is really hard, and more anime related than realistic or CG, its hard to make money and I dont play it anymore so i duno how much it changed. I like evanescense also but not enough to own any albums yet, my fav song by them was missing, it described how i felt at one point in my life but since i got past that i got past the song as well (it never is nice to leave anything behind)and i wish i never had school, it kills me and drove me mad to a horrible extent (i whine so much over hard assignments and and this anexiety and fear whenever i think about it, sigh, how much can a girl handle?!) Yu must think Im crazy now ... =( but im only tired and really deserve a break, if only snow was on my side and would show up that would save me a lot!!! Thanks again for the words of confidence, im glad yu enjoy my work but ill probably not create till the summer since i can bearily keep myself hanging in there with my assignments and all. Anyways, I must be going, see you soon and write back =D ~Serge

dorabootsJan 9, 2007

\:P I love your username it's so glad, many kisses and have a nice night \;\) Kisses

Miyu-TenshiJan 9, 2007

Hey, thank so you so much for commenting on my screenshot!! Really glad you like it and I really appreciate you taking the time to leave such a nice comment too!! Thanks and have a wonderfully excellent day!!!\:P \:D \:\)

manuela55Jan 9, 2007

have a good nights sleep\:D \:D \:D \:D \:D \:D \:D \:D \:D \:D

simsruleokJan 9, 2007

hi just browsing and came across you , i like historical dracula but in the romantic way not the slayer type , i am a pet addict we have a garden center that sells unwanted pets , i just cant resist we have everything from a land snail to an african grey.regards sam

manuela55Jan 9, 2007

go on this site is weary cool

LaurieRJan 9, 2007

Thank you for your comments on my screenshots. Watch out for those cute skunks though! They are stinky! \:D

manuela55Jan 9, 2007

paddling pool is in this site

gokusanxnJan 9, 2007

waaaii!! thank you for comment \:D \;\) p.s. cute dollfies pics^^ ..i want one too..they are so kawaii!!\:wub\:

Minta DoyleJan 9, 2007

well,i have to say taht your life looks just like a soap opera! just kidding! anyway,famous people always name their sons with strange names... just think of Julia Roberts,i can't really remember her twins names,but they were just too akward!\:puke\: anyway,i think i'll upload jade soon,she is a model for the zhang zyi dress at Mts,give it a look! \;\) i'm too happy she's on your desktop right now! \:o

manuela55Jan 9, 2007

i'm sory for your love life it is so \:\( like me i was married but \:\( but is ok it's beter this way in my city is a litle rich people only 5-10 my city is so poor we don't hawe a turist trade we don't hawe nothing is also a big unemploy-ment like me and the food is so exspensive i can't afford to live in big city in my city is no goth people everybody are so reserve i hate this i like hapy people and different my famly is yust like yours but i don't hawe a real famly my mother was abandoned me when i was 3 month old but you hawe a big family this is so nice\:D \:D \:D \:D \:D you will be meet a wonderful man you are a nice person lots of Hugs for you to\:D \:D \:D \:D \:D \:D

NanamouskouryJan 9, 2007

You are so very welcome! (And I love my cat too, she's so lovely with her pink collar!)

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