wolfmush (2194026)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (13 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Le Grande For One
Published Aug 16, 2009
About Me
A mom of three, happy by default and love my games My little brother introduced me to TS1 quite a few years ago... I had a lot of fun and later became a collector of The Sims games in general--I am only missing a few from my collection so far. My favorite part about the game is building starter homes. I love to move a new little simmy in and find out how it is to move around in it and look out it's windows! I have to admit though, I love to dream and you'll definitely see some of my more extravagant works posted.
I also play other games, mostly strategy/city-building games but am currently addicted to Kingdoms of Amalur:Reckoning, Dragon Age:Origin and TS3, of course! Anyhow, if you like any of my homes, feel free to let me know! And if you have any tips or issues drop me a message for that as well. Happy Simming! =D
My Guestbook Show All
PralinesimsNov 05, 2009
love your houses thank you for sharing
LeomoSep 06, 2009
Thank you for your sweet comment! I'm really glad to hear you liked my house!
welshminxAug 03, 2009
Hi there,Thank you for signing my guestbook keep up the good work!!!