writer_chick (2068934)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (6 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

St-Louis Apartments for rent! No...
Published Sep 25, 2008
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About Me
I regularly post at Annosims.net, so if you like my items, please visit Annosims!
I hate dropdown menus, don't you? A few words from which to select a meaningful adjective that describes you, and none of them seem to fit quite right... or more than one applies equally, but not as well as something which isn't listed.
So here we are...
Given my profile thus far, you might agree that I'm thoughtful and inquisitive. Some people have called me "sweet," "kind," "funny," and "smart" -- none of which I disagree with. Notice none of these are listed in the drowdown menu. Coincidence? Probably...
I live in a house in an architecturally interesting neighborhood, somewhere in America. Maybe I should start recreating some of the houses here for the game...
Favorite food -- how can they not have "chocolate" on the list? Seriously. And, for the record, you probably want to steer clear of me when I'm jonesing for chocolate. Just a friendly warning... :-)
Why I play Sims (a two-part answer):
a) it's a virtual dollhouse, which allows me to play interior decorator without having craft supplies strewn all over my real house, and
b) because I'm OCD, like most people who get caught up in this game. I can't believe they didn't list that in the dropdown menu, can you?
My Guestbook Show All
charrayMar 21, 2009
Just wanted to say thanks for sharing your wonderful creations You did an awesome job on them
simal10Aug 13, 2008
Hi Writer_Chick! Thank you so much for commenting on my set. And about the problem you wrote: I'm aware with bleed through issue with Maxis made items.. This mesh has a narrower alpha and as you can see its much more longer than any maxis top mesh. If I I try to make my mesh more wider than its shape will be odd and ugly... But all my mix n match sets are compatible with each other and there are no bleed through issues. So maybe you can try my bottoms Have a great day!
GrizzeldaJul 01, 2008
Hi WriterChick! Sorry for the late reply to your comment. I, myself, am a techno person. And I love to write... I didn't think I would be able to learn to mesh, but I wanted to make certain shaped clothes so much that I overcame my resistance. And if you follow the tutorials, you will learn to mesh in no time. And once it all clicks for you, then you will be surprised how easy it can be. At least it is for me. And I suck at recolors, which is why I can come up with the mesh, but I rely on others to recolor them. I'm pretty much addicted to meshing, not so much to recoloring. Anyway, thanks for your comment and for liking my mesh!