xOxJESSICAxOx (1810920)
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About Me
Hello! My name is Jessica, and I am 18 years old. I love playing the sims! the Sims 3 is by far the best out there lol! I'm so greatful for the artists on this page, they make great creations and I love to use them in my game play!. =]
I live in Ohio, too. And no it isn't all cornfields! lol
I enjoy relaxing and being around my family and my wonderful boyfriend teddy=]
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mensureNov 04, 2009
Hi, thank you so much for your nice comment on my "Winnie the Pooh Nursery Set".
IllandryaNov 02, 2009
Hi Jessica! Thank you for your kind comments on the latest instalment in the Zefryn saga. I'm glad you are loving reading it as much as I have loved creating it.
IllandryaOct 26, 2009
Hi Jessica! Thanks for keeping up with the story and I'm really glad you are enjoying it so far. I'm not quite finished with Holly yet so I'll keep her around, but the next two chapters should be out by the end of the week so you won't have to wait long to see what's up