xoashley12xo (3262271)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (18 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Yuki Cross from vampire knight
Published Jul 4, 2011
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
Some things about me.-
My name is Ashley.I have other nicknames but I really don't care if you call me by my first name.
I said my age up above so i don't need to say it again xD I love playing sims decorating they're houses and making anime sims defiantly.
Some things i like/most obsessed with are-Furbys, The akatsuki, Fashion(Lots of fashion especially Lolita.),Hollywood undead,Black rock shooter,Vocaloids,Silent Hill,Resident Evil, and pretty much anything with bug eyes and is or cute and fluffy.=^w^-=
Some animes I have watched and or still watching that I can name of the top of my head are-
Vampire knight,Naruto,Shining Hearts shiwase no pan, tokyo mew mew, red data girl, death note,ergo proxy,Another,Black rock shooter,K-on!!,Kore wa zombie desu ka,Soul eater,Steins gate and maybe more.I can't remember DX
Okay I haven't been on in a while and everything's changed so it may be hard for me to upload.
I haven't uploaded since i was 13?I'm 16 now It's been a while.o-o
Some things about my creations.-
So far I have only uploaded sims.I download all of my sims originally off of the sims 3 website so I am most likely not going to know where I got the hair and outfit's from my sims and I'm very sorry about that.Especially things I uploaded years ago.You can look at sims in the sims 3 and probably find the hair and clothes your looking for or google them.
Sims 3 expansion packs I have on my main PC-World adventures,Generations,Late night,Island Paradise,Pets,Supernatural,University life,Showtime and Seasons.In other words every expansion pack other then Ambition's and Into the future.
Sims 3 expansion packs I have on my laptop.- Late night,Island paradise,university life,Showtime and Seasons.The reason why I don't have all the same expansions as my pc is because I losed some of the codes and disks and junk.
My Guestbook Show All
PuresimJul 18, 2015
Hi, thank you so much for your comment xx
Dorcsi2003Jan 18, 2014
Tank you for Yuki Cross.I like Vampire knight.Can you make Zero kiryu too??
TarjaTarjosiSep 01, 2013
Aw, thats too bad. Youre welcome, I really like your sim^^
Id still love to have those hair..Any chance youll upload the data for me on MEGA or something? Or via Email?
Let me know