yurfrend (1861234)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (4 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

LiveTogether Two-Family Unit
Published Jul 11, 2009
About Me
Sorry, everyone. I'm retiring this account for a different username.
If you'd like to continue following my activities here on TSR, see Shadowcliff's profile. It's still me, but just an all new look. Same great product!
See you on the other side,
My Guestbook Show All
zul_94Jun 12, 2009
Hey, yurfriend! I noticed some of your new lots that you have submitted. They are really good! I hope you'll get better and step by step you'll achieve a high standard here! Keep up the good work!
mightyfaithgirlFeb 11, 2008
thanks very much for your commment on my Ewww! screenshot! Happy Simming
kissme87Feb 05, 2008
Thanks for such a nice comment at my screenshot .