My Lots, walls etc.
Hi everyone, I seem to have got in the swing of starting to submit some stuff for you all. I haven't quite got my head around what requirements I have to recommend for you to be able to use my stuff.
I have every Expansion and add on for The Sims 2, so I am not sure if I am supposed to recommend that you need everything like me, to be able to use my stuff. I think all my wallpapers should be ok with just the base Game? Can some of you let me know when you download something of mine, how you have got on?
I am working my way reading through Tutorials, so i can be a more confident submitter. Hopefully I will know what i'm doing soon. ha ha...
I love to build crazy and unusual stuff, so expect more crazyness to come! (My hubby doesn't share my love of The Sims and can't understand why I get so excited about stuff I submit). Well It takes a fan to know a fan, I think that makes sense!
Bye for now
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