I'm still here! :)
Hi all,
Just a quick update to say I am still around. I have had the all clear on my health issues and I am totally relieved to hear that. I have felt totally out of the Sims world for so long now, that it really did make me feel down at times :(
I am now planning to get all my stuff ready to travel back to my beloved Italy, so I have been busy packing. I am hoping to be back in Italy within the next 2 weeks, fingers crossed.
I will then be able to set up broadband again and chuckt this rotten slow dongle out of the window.
I have lots of stuff planned for you all. Basic tutorials for beginners with step by step photos. I also plan on finally pulling my finger out and learning how to import my own custom meshes/objects. My health issues have certainly slowed me down, but that is all going to change now, I promise!
I will be totally upgrading my profile page and preview shots too. I will be taking a serious look at all my past creations and updating any preview shots that are very sloppy. I want the stuff on my page to be nice to look at, so that you can feel that I have made every effort for you. As I not only want you to enjoy downloading my creations but also enjoying looking at what you see too.
I am so excited and raring to get back into the Sims world again, so watch this space!
Hugs to you all