Wow! I have a voice!
Well hello all,
I do so love the new look of the site. I have wanted a Minisite for so long, and this new style page is so much like one. I really need to get my act together and start uploading my creations for you all to share. I have always been busy building since The Sims 1. Then out came The Sims 2 and i'm busy building again. I have so much saved to disks, yetI have never uploaded anything to anywhere, I always mean to, but something always seems to crop up.
I'm the one in my family who is the mommy type. I am usually looking after someone in the family, running errands or minding neices and nephews. (I don't have any kids). At the moment though, I have more time on my hands, so I am hoping to upload some stuff for you all soon.
Bye for now.
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