Yard and Garden Competition
Hi all,
I was totally blown away by coming second. So many people did some very beautiful shots, I don't envy the judges, it must have been really hard to decide.
Francien really did deserve to win, her screens were amazing!
I really did have a great time entering, and it was nice to get to know new people on here.
Thank you so much to all those people who took the time to leave some very kind comments on my screens.
You really did spur me on to continue to submit more!
Posted by SteveB on Jan 31, 2009. Screenshot Competition Results
The results for our recent Yard & Garden Screenshot Competition are now in! The winners have been selected by our moderators and site staff who had a really tough job on their hands with more than 400 entries submitted! Thanks to everyone who took part for helping us to populate the Yard & Garden theme Screenshots database!
Winners and prizes are as follows:
1st Prize: Beautiful Decay by francien (who submitted many potentially wining entries)
- A Pre-Order of 'The Sims 3'
- Apartment Life Shoulder Bag
- Sims 3 T-Shirt (Large)
- Signed Natasha Bedingfield album 'Pocketful of Sunshine' (Sung in Simlish on FreeTime EP)
- TSR Coffee Mug
- TSR 2 GB USB 2.0 Memory Stick
- URBZ 'Sims in the City' Baseball Cap
- Sims 3 'H2goSS' Stainless Steel Drinks Bottle
- Signed Natasha Bedingfield album 'Pocketful of Sunshine' (Sung in Simlish on FreeTime EP)
- TSR Coffee Mug
- TSR 2 GB USB 2.0 Memory Stick
- URBZ 'Sims in the City' Baseball Cap
3rd Prize: Y&G Competition Entry No. 2 by sakravy
- Sims 2 Plumbob Phone Strap
- Signed Natasha Bedingfield album 'Pocketful of Sunshine' (Sung in Simlish on FreeTime EP)
- TSR Coffee Mug
- URBZ 'Sims in the City' Baseball Cap
4th Prize: The Winter Garden by giasims
- 2 Month Subscription to The Sims Resource
5th Prize: Garden-5 by simal10
- 1 Month Subscription to The Sims Resource
Congratulations to our winners! Another screenshot competition will be starting soon with some more great prizes to be won!