![Sims 2 — Valentine Vine by SimonettaC — Vine spreads like crazy and is hard to control, this wallpaper is thought to have](/scaled/1127/w-225h-450-1127078.jpg)
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Created for: The Sims 2
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Vine spreads like crazy and is hard to control, this wallpaper is thought to have strange effects on your loved up Sims!
(Originally part of my Valentine Mix set already submitted on TSR. I made a mistake and forgot to add/submit this 1 wallpaper to the set. I have now corrected this. (26/03/09). Sorry for the inconvenience!)
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/846751
ItemID: 846751
May be used freely in your stories, screenshots & lots on TSR only. Please credit.
Credits: Homecrafter
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