stitchy (550427)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (1692 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Lime Zest Wall Collection
Published Dec 17, 2006
My Latest Sims 1 Creations (2 in total) Show all my Sims 1 Creations
About Me
_i play bass. badly. i'd rather be playing the drums badly.
_i'm named after a poisonous plant.
_i have this wonderful boyfriend called matt.
_but if pepperkeenan turned up on my doorstep tomorrow, I might not turn him down.
_i have cat. think of her as a furry slug.
_living in St Helens kind of sucks. Thank god for Manchester.
_being 26 and attending university makes me a mature student. That makes me feel old.
_if you want to buy me a drink, i wouldn't say no to a double amaretto
_i spend way too much time on facebook. its like an addiction
_i love music. i have 11000 songs on my itunes.
_i'd sell my soul if i could only find a buyer.
_i hate filling in about me sections.
_big sunglasses are the best.
_flat shoes are adorable.
My Latest Updates Show All
New Computer! Woop!Written Mar 29, 2008
Who got a new computer? Me, thats who! And that means mooooooooore walls! >:D ...More
Yay! Written Jan 13, 2007
Woot! My keyboard is working more having to write messages in that stupid insert symbol thingamajig in word! I'm on a new computer now, well, not new really, its my boyfriend's old computer and the specs are not good! I'm back to 256mb of RAM again, my old RAM won't fit in this thing> :( I should hopefully have some more walls uploaded in the next week or so, depending... ...More
:)Written Jan 11, 2007
Just a quick entry to say thanks for all the lovely comments you've been leaving! My keyboard is busted right now, so it would take me a century to reply to them all! ...More
My Guestbook Show All
DOTDec 22, 2009
~ .: Â :. ~ Wishing Peace And Chocolate For The World ~ .: Â :. ~
charrayMay 12, 2009
Just wanted to say Thanks for sharing all your wonderful creations Great job!! Keep up the good work
skystars5Apr 14, 2009
Hi Sweetie Stichy! I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate the hard work you do. Even if no one has told you lately. You guys keep this wonderful site going. (((HUGS))) ~Marilyn