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Created for: The Sims 3
Have you ever wanted your medieval sims to be able to watch television but even the retro TV's just don't look right in a medieval setting? Well here is the answer - the standard in medieval television, a wall banner television that can be recoloured with the pattern of your choice to make a truly medieval television set. It is cloned from the HD wall TV so you even get a happy moodlet from watching this wall banner television and it doesn't look out of place in your middles ages neighborhood.
Since taking the screenshots I did move the television down slightly so that it touches the floor and fits in with the roof so you can see the cord which the banner hangs from (partly visible in this screenshot - full length wall banner and takes two blocks. I will try to take new screenshots soon.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/996060
ItemID: 996060
Filesize: 57 KB
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