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Created for: The Sims 3
This pipe will support even the most careworn of ceilings! If it doesn't, well.... Uh....
If I remember correctly, this pipe came from EA's Science Dome rabbithole mesh. In any event, I liked the look of it so much that I decided to make it a column, but it also works great as an additional bit of decor in a steampunk/industrial setting, if you get creative with it. I mean, come on! That wheel is just awesome!
The column has 2 recolor channels--the pipe and the wheel. Enjoy!
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1149737
ItemID: 1149737
Filesize: 771 KB
Made with Patch 1.29 and WA, AMB and LN installed, though only the base game is needed or this to work. Please do not re-upload as your own creation
Credits: EAxis, TSRW
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